The earliest operations employing this technique were fraught with dangers. 最早使用这种技术的手术充满了危险。
It has been a somewhat fraught day. 这是让人有些担忧的一天。
I've done this many times and it's always fraught with complications. 我不得不向客户交付一个可以运行的Java应用程序,但是我已经交付了许多次,它总是充满了复杂性。
Using floating point and decimal numbers in Java programs is fraught with pitfalls. 在Java程序中使用浮点数和小数充满着陷阱。
Co-operation on trade and investment is fraught with misunderstanding, offended egos, discontent and anger, he says. 他表示:贸易和投资合作充斥着误解、自尊受损、不满和愤怒。
Efforts to stop nuclear proliferation look almost as fraught as the climate negotiations. 阻止核扩散的努力看上去和气候谈判一样令人忧虑。
The climate is a complex system, of course, and forecasting it fraught with uncertainty. 当然,气候是个复杂的系统,对气候进行预测也充满了不确定性。
Everybody knows China's official numbers are fraught with questions. 大家都知道中国的官方数据充满了各种问题。
But it is a relationship fraught with contradictions. 但这毕竟是一个充满矛盾的关系。
The expedition into the jungle was fraught with danger. 到原始森林去探险充满了危险。
While it seems natural to think this way, it's a perspective fraught with difficulties. 当你很自然地这么想时,你的观点充满了不快和困难。
I see four options, each of which is fraught with uncertainty. 我提出了四种方案,但每一种都充满了不确定性。
It was a time fraught with difficulties and frustration. 这是一个充满困难和挫折的时期。
Development of industrial markets is a very legitimate aspiration but it is fraught with challenges. 发展工业市场是一个非常正当的抱负,但它充满了挑战。
I have never seen such a exterior scene which fraught with natural charm. 这是我见过最具自然魅力的景象了。
Better policies are especially needed because the international environment is fraught with uncertainty. 特别是需要更好的政策,这是因为国际环境充满着捉摸不定的因素。
The expedition through the jungle was fraught with difficulties and danger. 穿越森林的探险充满了艰辛和危险。
But any such investment is fraught with risks. 但是,任何此类投资都充满了风险。
On the negative side, the speech is fraught with dangerous possibilities. 在消极方面,这篇演说却充满了危险性。
During a period fraught with difficulties and marked by very extraordinary events the United States have flourished beyond example. 在充满艰辛和非凡事件的岁月里,我们的合众国还是取得了空前的繁荣。
Although his peace policy received broad support, the cause for peace was still fraught with difficulties and pain. 虽然他的和平政策得到了广泛的支持,然而和平事业仍然充满了艰难困苦。
Full nationalisation would be fraught with risks and complications. 完全国有化将充满风险和困难。
Recently, I received a lot of fraught phone calls from one of my pregnant friends. 最近,我收到了我的一个朋友怀孕充满了很多电话。
Such a definition is fraught with difficulties. 这一定义的确认充满了困难。
He seems to be capable and fraught with confidence. 他看起来很有能力,也充满了信心。
Managing this money, while potentially lucrative, is fraught with dangers for foreign banks. 对于外资银行而言,管理这些资产尽管可能获利颇丰,但充满了风险。
The growth of any new born thing is fraught with contradictions and struggle. 任何新生事物的成长都充满着矛盾和斗争。
Second, Japan had already nationalised two long-term credit banks, and the experience had been fraught with controversy. 其次,日本已经对两家长期信贷银行实施了国有化,这种做法充满了争议。
The expedition was fraught with danger. 探险过程中充满了危险。