And then finally the brown spots, I mean those are also first signs of aging that you see, the freckling of your face. 最后就是褐斑,我的意思是那些也是你能看到的老化的最早征兆,脸上的斑点。
Facial markings include color around one or both eyes, freckling on the muzzle and a spot on top of the head. 脸部斑纹包括了一个或两个眼睛周围,口吻上的斑点和头顶上的斑块。
ASIP, associated with sun sensitivity, freckling, and red hair; ASIP与阳光敏感性、雀斑和红色毛发有关;
The first sign of potassium deficiency is a white speckling or freckling of the leaf blades. 缺钾的最初病症是叶片呈现白色斑痕或斑点。
Falconers are also working hard in Italy to keep pigeonsfrom freckling monuments with their droppings. 意大利的养鹰人也在为防止鸽子用它们的粪便玷污纪念碑而努力工作。