But a study published in the September issue of the Southern Medical Journal finds that those freebies may cost you in the long run. 但是发表在9月份《南方医学杂志》的(SouthernMedicalJournal)一项研究表明,从长远看这些免费品将会使你付出更多的钱。
Extending from Play's Model type gives me a few built-in freebies. 从Play的模型类型扩展,为我提供了一些内置的免费服务。
Steve: Why are marketing giving away freebies? 史蒂文:市场部为什么要发放免费赠品呢?
Her furniture is a collection of found freebies but she wont take an old mattress for fear of bedbugs, and sleeps instead on used yoga mats. 她的家居都是免费赠品,但是她情愿睡在旧的瑜伽毯上,也不用旧的床垫,害怕会有螨虫。
In many of these cities, developers are slashing prices and offering freebies such as kitchen furnishings and parking spaces as they try to work through vast gluts of unsold property. 在很多这样的城市,开发商通过大幅降价、赠送厨房装修或停车位等方式试图消化大量的未售出存量房。
The contest will in a sense be a referendum on that giddy age; its freebies and excesses big and small, public and private, enjoyed by rich and poor alike will loom over the campaign. 这场选举在某种程度上将是对这一时代的全民公投,所有的免费赠品和剩余产品无论多少,属公属私,贫富共享都将在大选中一一浮现。
I love getting freebies. 我喜欢免费赠送的东西。
Heavily indebted operators, many with earnings-related bank covenants, are already resorting to freebies and rebates to protect market share. 重债累累的赌场许多都签订了与收益挂钩的银行契约,如今已开始求助于免费赠品和折扣券来维持市场份额。
Most of our products are100% freebies. 我们大部分的产品是100%的免费赠品。
I want to know how much he has been invoiced for and whether he has always paid the proper amount back to the taxpayer or whether this is a way of getting freebies. 我想知道,他为此花费了多少费用,他是否都适当地支付了这些应归还给纳税人的钱,或者这是否就是首相的特权。
Similarly, expensive cell phones are offered as freebies to gain contracts for phone services. 同样昂贵的手机也可作为馈赠物品来获取电话服务业务。
People who use those freebies will be likely to pay you by linking to your site or by recommending your stuff to their friends. 使用这些赠品的人们很可能会链接至你的网站或把你的产品推荐给其朋友。
He took all the freebies that were on offer. 他取了可得的全部免费品。
Just let me leave. I don't know what you're after, but I don't do freebies. 让我走吧,我不知道你要干吗,可我不是免费的。
Registration gains the user access to informative newsletters, special deals& promotions and freebies. 注册获取对情报时事通讯的用户存取、特别成交&促进和免费的东西。
That new store is giving away tons of freebies. 这家新的百货公司正在送一堆赠品。
Some groups have eliminated those freebies, but the proposal appearing in Wednesday's Journal of the American Medical Association says they should work toward a complete ban on industry funding. 一些学会组织已不再接受赠品,但周三《美国医学学会杂志》上发表的该提案称,这些学会组织应完全拒绝企业资助。
But smaller makeup and perfume companies are piling on the freebies, he said, and it's driving sales. 他说,不过较小的化妆品和香水公司在给出了大量免费产品。这促进了销售量。
Moreover, there are currently no freebies with a EULA that extends their use to corporate environment. 此外,目前有一个最终用户许可协议,扩展到企业环境的使用没有任何赠品。
Freebies also get bookmarked often, nobody wants to forget where the free stuff is right? 而且赠品通常会被收藏进书签,没人想要忘记免费的东西放在哪,不是吗?
In the design community: tutorials, freebies and list posts are the best way to get links and traffic from social media sites. 在设计领域包括有:教程、赠品和博客列表是从社交媒体获取链接和流量的最佳方式。
Clothes are widely viewed as the least loved of corporate freebies. 人们普遍认为衣物是最不受欢迎的企业赠品。
Many of the resources shared are freebies, but there are some you need to buy by yourselves. 有些资源是免费开源的,有些可能是需要自己付费购买的。
Are you interested in going to a concert tonight? I've got some freebies here. 你今天晚上有没有兴趣去听音乐会?我这边有张免费的入场券。
Doctors will be inundated with freebies and trial samples. 医生能获得大量的免费赠品和实验样本。
And they will recognise these subsidies as benefits rather than freebies. 这些补贴将被视为给他们的福利,而非免费赠品。