寄生虫;吃白食的人;利用别人好心揩油的人 If you refer to someone as a freeloader, you disapprove of them because they take advantage of other people's kindness, for example by accepting food or accommodation from them, without giving anything in return.
Because freeloaders don't cost the rest of us anything. 因为免费使用者不会增加其他使用者的成本。
Some of the most famous hospitality exchanges include Couch Surfing, Hospitality Club and Global Freeloaders. 一些很有名的好客交换族群包括沙发冲浪,好客俱乐部和全球聚会等。
On the web, similar "aggregator" sites, personalised or not, have a bad name as freeloaders that create no content of their own. 在网上,有些类似于“大杂烩”式的网站,向读者提供免费下载服务,但他们没有自己的原创内容。
The world would still have its share of bullies, cheats, freeloaders, free riders, and occasional psychopaths. 这个世界上依然会有欺凌弱小的人、骗子、白吃白喝者、无业游民和时不时的精神病患者。
Though gas meters were considered more difficult to tamper with, this had not deterred some ambitious freeloaders. 虽然人们认为煤气表更难捣鬼,这并没吓住那些野心勃勃的想占便宜的人。