Freon exists both in liquid and gaseous states. 氟利昂有液态和气态两种形态。
And so, by and large, until this freon was invented by Midgley, there wasn't a good gas that had the right properties to be used for a refrigerant. 因此,总的说来,直到Midgley发明氟利昂,没有一个气体,能被很好的用作制冷剂。
With the popularization of green chemistry, a series of products which have good environment compatibility, such as products foamed with water or replacement of freon and water-based products, are more and more attracted by people. 随着绿色化学的普及,环境相容性好、替代氟里昂和全水发泡及水性化的系列产品越来越受到重视。
In this way the Freon could be used over and over again. 这样,氟里昂可以被反复不断地使用。
Halide freon leak detector 卤化物氟利昂探漏器
But the temperature in the heat pump is only about three degrees Celsius, meaning that the sewage can transfer much of its heat to the Freon. 热泵中温度可以设为3摄氏度左右,这样污水仍然把它包含的大部分热量传递给氟利昂。
Ref. Freon piping to be done air-tightness test and vacuum test. 冷藏氟利昂管系密性试验和真空试验。
Freon Cold Storage Refrigeration System Energy-saving Aanalysis 氟利昂冷库制冷系统节能改造的分析
In order to understand flash boiling injection, the drop velocity distribution in steady spray of freon R12 as test liquid was investigated by using LDA technique. 为探索闪急沸腾喷雾的形成机理,以氟里昂R12为试验掖体,采用激光多普勒测速仪(LDA)测量了稳定流动条件下粒子的速度分布。
"Freon: Trademark for any of several organic compounds containing fluorine ( fluorocarbons) and sometimes chlorine ( chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs)." 氟氯烃(简写为CFC)氟利昂:含氟和有些情况下含氯(氯氟烃)的有机化合物的商品名。含氯氟烃的重复使用
Introducing the development background and structure characteristics of small freon cold storage training desk, illustrating some important training items on the training desk. 介绍了小型氟利昂冷库实训台的研制背景及结构特点,列举了通过该实训台可开设的实训项目。
Freon brine refrigerating installation 氟里昂盐水制冷装置
It has no compressor, need not freon, rely on the built-in pump let water in the machines, and will continuously circulation around the air cooling. 它没有压缩机,不用氟利昂,靠内置的水泵让水在机内不断循环,并将周围的空气冷却。
Grey system theory is applied to analyze the experimental data of onset of nuclear boiling in Freon natural circulation. 运用灰色系统理论对以氟利昂为工质的自然循环过冷沸腾起始点实验结果进行分析。
At this point, as freon heater heating, so that the partial liquid again evaporated into gas, then re-entering the latter part of the interior heat exchanger. 此时经氟利昂加热器的加热,使该部分液体再次蒸发成气体,然后再进入室内换热器的后半部分。
The Freon, meanwhile, is compressed to further warm it, and diverted to a condenser, which heats a water-filled coil. 同时,接受热量后的氟利昂被进一步压缩来提高它的温度。
Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Photochemistry Property of the Alternatives of Freon and the Study of Premixed Gasoline/ Oxygen Flame with Tunable Synchrotron VUV Photoionization 氟里昂替代物光化学性质的理论和实验研究及预混汽油火焰的真空紫外光电离研究
Some Tentative Ideas and Productive Ways of Using a Substitute for Freon in Aerosol 气雾剂中实施氟利昂替代的几点设想和做法
Analysis of Vapor-Liquid-Solid Equilibria of Binary Cryogenic Mixtures Containing Nitrogen and Alkanes or Nitrogen and Freon 二元氮烃类与氮氟里昂低温混合工质的汽液固相平衡分析
Safe operation and maintenance of Freon tank container 氟利昂罐式集装箱的安全使用与维护
It's called freon. It's also used in air conditioners. 这就是所谓的氟利昂,它也用于空调。
Technological study on catalytic decomposition of Freon by moo_3/ zro_2 MoO3/ZrO2催化分解氟利昂的工艺研究
Some reference for research on other freon vapour-jet refrigera-tion were provided. 并提出了几种其他氟利昂工质喷射制冷的相似性,为今后其他工质的氟-喷制冷研究提供了参考。
Provide oil back design of refrigeration piping under various conditions of evaporator and compressor in freon refrigeration system. 介绍了氟里昂制冷系统中,在压缩机和蒸发器的各种使用情况下,制冷管道的回油设计。
Freon will not be used as refrigerant in the future. 未来的制冷剂将不会使用氟利昂。
In this paper, the structure and the type of discharge plasma reactor used to treat VOC. and the influence and study progress of the reactor structure on the rate of decomposition and energy efficiency of freon, trichloroethylene and other VOC have been summarized. 该文综述了用于处理VOC的放电等离子体反应器结构类型,以及反应器结构对氟利昂和三氯乙烯以及其它VOC的分解率及能量效率等方面的影响及研究进展;
Based on the principle of system power cycle and characteristics of Freon power generation system, the model for low temperature waste heat generating was constructed. The evaporator, condenser and steam turbine model were designed as well. 根据系统动力循环原理以及氟里昂循环发电系统的特点,组建了小型低温余热发电系统模型,并对蒸发器、冷凝器、汽轮机模型等组件进行了设计。
The chlorine treating system with Freon refrigeration is introduced, which was imported from a foreign country. 介绍了从国外引进的氟里昂制冷氯气处理系统;
The application of gc/ ft-ir in analysis of freon GC/FT&IR法在分析氟里昂中的应用