We show this in a scene in the Sistine Chapel [ in Rome] where we create a big crack in the fresco of God and Adam. 我们将这个观点放到了发生在罗马西斯廷教堂的一幕里&一幅绘有上帝与亚当的壁画发生严重断裂。
The medium of fresco makes great demands on a painter's techinical skill. 壁画这种绘画形式对画家的技巧有很高要求。
A comic opera is in the works in the United States, the story of how a woman ruined a fresco and saved a town. 目前,一部关于她的喜剧歌剧正在美国筹备上演,讲述一个女人如何毁掉了一幅壁画,却拯救了一座小镇。
The Fresco of Kizil Caves Represents the Art of Qiuci Grottoes, and the Ornamental is the Main Character of It; 克孜尔石窟壁画是龟兹石窟艺术的代表,装饰性是这一艺术的主要特征。
Painted with the intensity of fresco, they haunt the memory, loaded with illusion and nostalgia. 用强烈的壁画描绘,他们萦绕着记忆,充满了幻觉与怀旧之情。
A fresco is a painting made directly in the wet plaster of a wall. 这幅壁画是用湿石膏直接绘制在未干的灰泥墙上的。
The grains on spear likes the national grains of fresco of Guangxi Flower Mountain. 矛上的回纹铭很象广西花山壁画上的民族纹饰。
Painting in fresco is not a common technique these days. 用湿壁画技法作画现在已不常见了。
This fresco is typical of the painter's early manner. 这幅壁画法是这个画家典型的早期风格。
When the weather gets warmer, you can dine al fresco in the garden. 天气变暖的时候,您可以在户外公园中就餐。
Analysis of Jewelry Pattern in Dunhuang Fresco Art 敦煌莫高窟装饰艺术中首饰纹样分析
Before Italian the Renaissance and north nun virtue orchid artistic revolution, wet fresco and tempera this two drawing skill is major drawing form. 在意大利文艺复兴和北方尼德兰艺术革命之前,湿壁画和坦培拉绘画这两种技法是主要的绘画形式。
As the one of the longest painting form, it will be the primary problem for our study and research for the future to how to innovate the form and content representation of the fresco. 壁画作为最为悠久的绘画形式之一,如何对其形式和内容表现进行创新将是我们今后学习和研究的主要课题。
Forms manifest fresco, designer thinks by images. 壁画本身是以形式来表达,设计师就是以图像来思维的。
Working from his Florida studio, Fresco has spent decades making detailed drawings of his futuristic ocean cities. 费雷斯科在佛罗里达州的工作室花了几十年来绘画细致的未来海上城市的蓝图。
They are built on the Byzantine pattern, in small scale, and have painted fresco decoration. 他们以拜占廷式的图案建造,小面积地用壁画做装饰。
Part of a wall painting here, a bit of a fresco there. 墙上这一部分是油画,那一小部分是壁画。
The Saloon provides an intimate setting for relaxing and leads onto a very generous Upper Deck, with additional seating and the possibility for al fresco dining. 该轿车提供了一个亲密的设置上放松,导致了非常慷慨的上甲板,更多的座位,并有可能户外就餐。
He looked up at the vaulted ceiling of the great hall and studied the fresco of constellations. 他看着大厅拱形的天花板并研究着壁画的格局。
Vinci look at their own toys and Fresco mural design time is the same feeling, because they are carriers of creativity, but also the efforts and wisdom. 达芬奇看看自己的玩具和壁画壁画设计时间是相同的感觉,因为他们是运营商的创造力,而且还努力和智慧。
The carpet covers the original hardwood floors, and the patio is inviting al fresco diners. 地毯覆盖了原来的硬木地板,并邀请在露台是露天就餐。
Instead of fresco, Leonardo devised his own technique for mural painting, a sort of tempera on stone. 他舍弃了传统壁画法而运用自己的新技术,一种绘于石头上的蛋彩画法。
Renaissance fresco hidden for300 years has been rediscovered in Spain-thanks to nesting pigeons. 在筑巢的鸽子的帮助下,一幅暗藏了300年的文艺复兴时期的油画在西班牙重见天日。
Summer idylls in the woods featured milk and wild strawberries, as well as al fresco sex, to show the sweetness and brevity of passing time. 夏日的田园,在丛林中精选的牛奶和野草莓,以及户外的寻欢作乐,显示了过去时光的甜蜜与简洁。
This huge fresco is extremely clear and just like nature itself. It is very harmonious. 这一巨幅壁画,清晰有致且又浑然天成,十分和谐。
The epitome of the fine art of living and of presentation is thoroughly shown in the lamplight art fresco. 美好的生活艺术与馈赠艺术的缩影,尽显于灯光艺术壁画之中。
A Probe on Material in Grotto Fresco and Colorful Rock Paintings 石窟壁画的材料表现与岩彩画的探讨
The dimly and colourful fresco in the corridor wall of tomb. 甬道墙壁上依稀可见唐代色彩艳丽、图案精美的壁画痕迹。
But I am not sure that they add to it, either; this is the whole problem of the fresco. 但我不能确定他们添加的,要么,这是整个壁画的问题。
Although this is possible, the fresco iconography does not really supply enough evidence to support it. 尽管这是可能的,但壁画肖像学确实没有足够的证明材料支持它。