While acknowledging the lack of complete data to conduct the analysis, the ofr report had, I thought, some useful observations about things asset managers do that are frighteningly similar to the kinds of things that banks did in the lead-up to the financial crisis. 虽然OFR的报告缺少足够的数据,不那么让人信服,但是,如果仔细分析下资产管理公司,我们就会不寒而栗地发现,他们和当年金融危机中的银行业如此相像。
However, for the past five weeks, gross and paid-attendance numbers look frighteningly close to what Broadway produced post-9/ 11. 然而,在过去五周里,百老汇的票房总收入及购票观众数量看上去和9/11恐怖袭击事件发生之后惊人地相近。
Although SNMP is frighteningly complex to set up and use, the stack discussed in this article makes it fun. 尽管SNMP的设置和使用非常复杂,但本文中所讨论的内容将使它变得非常有趣。
The worst case scenario ( one that I see frighteningly often) is to design an application around a DOM ( or JDOM) tree. 最糟糕的情况(我恐惧地发现经常如此)是围绕着DOM(或者JDOM)树来设计应用程序。
Her heart was heavy because it was open, and so things filled it, and so things rushed out of it, but still the heart kept beating, tough and frighteningly powerful and meaning to shrug off the rest of her and continue on its own. 她的心很沉重,因为她的心胸是敞开的,所以东西可以把它填满,也能清空,但是心还在不停的跳,艰难但非常有力,试图摆脱她的身体,独自跳动下去。
That our fate might one day lie with deterministic algorithms is for many people a frighteningly dystopian vision. 我们的命运有一天或许会取决于确定性算法,对很多人来说这是一幅骇人的反乌托邦图景。
The deficits run by the US, Spain and a number of other countries as a counterpart to the surpluses of China, the oil exporters, Germany and other high-income economies turned out to be frighteningly unsustainable. 当时中国、各石油出口国、德国和其他高收入经济体处于盈余,与之相对应,美国、西班牙及其他许多国家处于赤字,结果赤字惊人地不可持续。
The story sounds frighteningly familiar. 这个故事听起来熟悉得令人不寒而栗。
The cards are frighteningly real convincing enough to fool creditors, potential employers and security at buildings and even the airport. 这些证件足以以假乱真,足以骗过债主、未来雇主、楼宇甚至机场的安保人员。
The photograph of me taken the day I started this trial demonstrates perfectly-and rather frighteningly-what a lack of hydration does to a face. 在开始实验前一天我给自己拍了一张照片,这张照片清楚并且令人恐惧的证实了缺水对面部皮肤带来的损害。
There's something frighteningly familiar about that energy signature. 这有跟能量信号极其相似的东西。
I accept that leverage of 33 to one, as now officially proposed, is frighteningly high. 我承认,目前官方提议的33倍的杠杆率高得惊人。
In any case, the students could he pitifully-blind on the one hand and frighteningly perceptive on the other. 无论如何,这些学生一方面盲目得可怜,另一方面眼光准确得可怕。
For many workers, Gittler's experience is frighteningly familiar. 对很多工人而言,吉特勒式的经历是再熟悉不过的了。
There was no one to tell Scarlett that her own personality, frighteningly vital though it was, was more attractive than any masquerade she might adopt. 谁也不会告诉思嘉,说她自己的个性尽管有可怕的致命弱点,可是跟她所能采用的任何伪装相比,仍然更有吸引力。
The word "lost lost lost" dinged frighteningly in her heart like a death bell sounding. “完了完了完了”这个字眼儿就像丧钟一样在她心中一阵阵回荡,使她感到害怕。
The film was frighteningly realistic. 该影片逼真得令人害怕。
He holds some frighteningly reactionary ideas. 他有着极为骇人的反动观点。
Some of these tools produce frighteningly bloated apps. 某些工具会产生臃肿得可怕的程序。
The tiger snarled frighteningly. 老虎发出可怕的吼声。
Yet, third, when one adds the sums owed by national central banks to the debts of national governments, totals are now frighteningly high ( see chart). 但第三点是,如果人们将各国央行欠的债务叠加到各国政府的债务上,那么债务总额会高得惊人(见图表)。
I tried to stop the bleeding with some tissues. I stayed clam and frighteningly pleasure. 我试图用些纸巾止血,并保持着冷静和令人惊悚的愉悦。
We had a frighteningly close encounter with a black bear. 我们偶然近距离地碰上了一只黑熊,太吓人了。
Again, you can see that this attack can be performed with frighteningly few resources on the part of the attacker. 您可以再次发现,对攻击者一方而言,只需少得惊人的资源就可以执行这种攻击。
The town looked frighteningly unfamiliar in the fog. 小镇在雾中陌生得令人害怕。
However, adult bullying, including bulling in the workplace, is a frighteningly common occurrence. 然而,成年人的欺负行为,包括职场欺负行为,普遍程度骇人听闻。
The battle scenes are frighteningly real. 战争场景令人害怕,就像真的一样。
It was happening frighteningly fast. 这事发生的速度之快叫人害怕。