N-COUNT 褶边;饰边;荷叶边 A frill is a long narrow strip of cloth or paper with many folds in it, which is attached to something as a decoration.
...net curtains with frills. 镶以荷叶边的网眼帘
N-COUNT 无用的装饰;虚饰 If you describe something as having nofrills, you mean that it has no extra features, but is acceptable or good if you want something simple.
This booklet restricts itself to facts without frills. 这本小册子只谈事实,绝无矫饰。
...plain, simple cooking in no-frills surroundings. 在不加虚饰的环境下清淡而简单的饭菜
This booklet restricts itself to facts without frills. 这本小册子只谈事实,绝无矫饰。
Fins were all but gone, along with all the Baroque frills that produced cars like rolling jukeboxes. 大尾鳍不见了,让汽车看起来像一台老式唱片机的巴洛克式镶边也不见了。
With a well-designed photo sharing service in place, it should be possible to put any type of UI frills on top of it. 一个设计良好的照片共享服务就绪后,就可以在它上面放置任何类型的UI装饰了。
In the beginning, the loadlin boot loader provided a simple way to boot Linux without any frills. 最初,加载引导加载程序提供了一种简单的方法,不用任何花架子就可以引导Linux。
The app is clean and professional with few frills, and I liked its no-nonsense style. 这款应用干净且专业,没有多余的虚饰,我喜欢它不讲废话的风格。
She was also frustrated with how many trends, colors and frills the lingerie industry pushed each season. 每一季,内衣工业内推行的很多潮流、色彩和装饰也让她觉得困惑。
I had two school uniforms, a green dress, a brown dress, and one dress with three rows of frills for Sunday, too dressy for an interview. 我有两套校服,一套绿的和一套褐色的女服,还有一条缀着三排花边的女服,是过节穿的,穿着去面试太花哨了。
This friend is the flexible, no frills friend who makes your life a breeze. 这种朋友是灵活的,不会摆架子来搅乱你的生活。
We've agreed to cut the frills, remember? 我们说好要减少不必要的花费,记得吗?
This streamlined budget, with no frills and no extras, should save us a lot of money. 合理化的预算会让我们省下一大笔钱。
Underneath them frills and flounces. 那下面以荷边装饰。
This is a house with no frills. 这是栋没有过分装饰的房子。
A frequent source of such memories: a magenta nylon nightgown with pink frills around the chest. 经常引起这样的回忆的是:一件在胸部带有粉红色皱边的洋红色的尼龙长睡衣。
I can't stand those twee little frills. 我看不惯那些花哨的零碎儿。
Forget the frills, I just want a calculator that can do simple things like multiply and divide. 不要花里胡哨的东西,我只是想要一个能做简单的乘除法之类的计算器。
It is not for frills; it supports basic programs and services that students need. 它不是多余的;它支持学生所需的基本课程活动及服务。
Having decorative ruffles or frills. 有装饰性的皱边或者褶边。
Women were thought to be more provocative of sinful deliberation if gussied up in snap, bows and frills a material used for making a quilt, or a quilted fabric. 妇女用纽扣、蝴蝶结和花边打扮得花枝招展,被认为是有邪念的举止。用来制作被子的材料或絮有棉花的纤维。
With no frills, no judgements and definitely no holds barred. 没有装模作样,没有道德判断并且明确地没有任何的禁制。
She looked funny with her frills and furbelows. 她衣上俗丽的装饰使她看起来很可笑。
One Dollar store had not open yet, so I went into No Frills ( a grocery). Its dish detergent was expensive, so I picked up two cups of yogurt and told the cashier gave me some quarters. 一元店还没开门,因此我进了超市,里面的洗碗精太贵,只好拿了两杯酸奶,并让收银员多给几枚四分之一加元的硬币。
He described the cloud as white flower with golden frills. 他把那片白云称作镶着金边的白花。
She described it as red with pink frills. 她将之描述为红色的带有粉红色饰边。
A cheap basic washing machine with no frills. 没有虚饰的廉价的实用洗衣机。
I'm a no frills kind of gal. 我是一个没有低价种半乳糖。
You can bet he didn't have any frills. 你可以打赌他是任何享受都没有的。
The car is a basic model with no frills such as a cassette player or sunshine roof. 那辆车是一个基本样式,没有录音机或防晒车篷之类的装饰品。
I can't stand those twee little frills. She's nothing but a packaged beauty. 我看不惯那些花哨的零碎儿.她只不过是个包装花哨的美人。
Armstrong first cut 18,000 jobs and jettisoned frills like corporate limos. 首先,阿姆斯壮精简了18000条影响公司发展的内容,例如公司的豪华轿车等。
The new series of the brand Bora Aksu adds translucent frills on large-sized striped shirt and suit, matching with With floral print, which is very attractive. 品牌BoraAksu的新系列在大号条纹衬衫和西装上增添流畅半透明的褶边,配以碎花印花,十分迷人。