I thought of Betsy and Tabitha, the two lovable cats that belonged to my husband and me; of Ben, the playful mutt who loved to catch Frisbees. 我想到了贝特西和塔比莎,那是我和丈夫养的两只可爱的小猫;还有贝思,那只喜欢逮飞碟的顽皮小狗。
Players try to toss the Frisbees in the baskets, and whoever can do it in the fewest throws wins. 选手尽力把飞盘扔到篮子里。用最少次数把飞盘扔到篮子的选手就是胜利者。
They like to play frisbees. 他们喜欢玩飞盘。
Bo arrived just in time, because Sasha and Malia were getting tired of throwing Frisbees at Joe Biden. 波的到来非常及时,因为萨沙和玛利亚都对朝乔·拜登扔飞盘感到腻歪了。
Materials Management Center of Shanghai Charity Foundation will help Hilton Shanghai distribute these frisbees to orphanages in suburban area of Shanghai. 慈善基金会将会帮助酒店将飞盘发放给孤儿院及城郊地区的儿童。
These frisbees were specially designed for Shanghai Tennis Masters Cup as souvenirs to tennis players and hotel's corporate clients. 这些飞盘是特别为网球大师赛所设计,并赠送给网球选手及酒店宾客作为入住酒店的纪念。