I had a retirement plan, but on the3 occasions when I changed jobs, I withdrew that and spent it frivolously. 我有过退休计划,但是在我三次换工作的时候,我撤回了那些保险并且愚蠢的花掉了。
You can frivolously spend your time or you can invest it on things that improve your life. 你可以选择虚度时光,也可以选择把时间投资到那些可以提高生活质量的事情上。
According to Xiao Beiying, an associate professor at Huaqiao University, pu-wen-er fans tend to behave frivolously and the phenomenon might lead to the misunderstanding of Internet culture. 华侨大学副教授肖北婴表示,热衷给普文二青年分类的这些人往往轻浮,可能引发网络文化的误读误导。
In a frivolously trivial manner. waste time on insignificant points 以无意义的、琐碎的方式。时间花在琐碎事情上
You frivolously throw away the lives of your people while your own king sits atop his throne of lies, nary lifting a finger to help. 当你恣意的将你的人民的性命全抛洒出去时,你的国王却安稳的坐在如同谎言的王位上,连伸出一个手指帮忙都不肯。
Just for a change, all the other leagues around Europe can have a turn at being mocked for being frivolously concerned with entertainment and incident rather than proper football. 即便来个转变,欧洲其他的联赛也只是变成令人可笑的模仿别人激情和戏剧性的足球而不是真正的足球。
Spend frivolously and unwisely. 轻浮地不明智地花费。
They did not do it cavalierly, and they did not do it frivolously, and they believe they had a connective logic, and a tissue to get them to their judgments. 他们不会傲慢地轻浮地对待他们的工作,他们的思维连贯,即使一张纸巾都能让他们作出判断。
I don't use the term "Nazi" frivolously or out of anger. 本人通常不会轻易使用这样的词汇,即使是出于愤怒之情。
She spends her time frivolously enjoying the easy life. 她玩世不恭地消磨时间,享受著轻松的生活。
The holiness of God requires us to take our worship seriously and not to participate frivolously. 神的圣洁要求我们在敬拜他时保持严肃,不可轻浮。