I knew I could not see; but it did not seem possible that all the eager, loving children who gathered round me and joined heartily in my frolics were also blind. 虽然我自己也看不见,但是当我被一群热情好客,同样看不见的伙伴们围在身边,尽情嬉戏玩耍的时候,我觉得这似乎是不可能的事情。
I joined them in many of their games, even blind man's buff and frolics in the snow; I took long walks with them; we discussed our studies and read aloud the things that interested us. 同学们的很多游戏我都参加,甚至是雪中捉迷藏;我和她们一同远足;我们还会在一起讨论功课,高声朗读我们感兴趣的文章。
The scrim on which the video is projected then clears to reveal an exotic playground where Monkey ( Wang Lu at the reviewed performance) frolics merrily. 投影到麻布上的视频清楚地展示了极具异国情调的乐园,美猴王(笔者评论的这一版本中由王璐饰演)在这个乐园里快乐地嬉戏。
The poem vividly describes how the goose swims and frolics on the water. 这首诗写了鹅游戏时的神态,很生动。
Many English seaside towns seem as if they are stuck in a time warp, in an era when families and charabancs full of factory workers would converge on the shore for fun and frolics. 英国许多海滨小镇仿佛被卡在隧道里了,至今仍然停留在那个全家人和装满工人的大游览车聚集在海边欢乐嬉闹的时代。
He smiled to see the children's frolics. 他看到孩子们嬉戏而微笑。
It was all fun and frolics until it began to pour down with rain. 一开始倒挺开心,但后来下起了倾盆大雨。