Glossy palm fronds twist in the temperate wind along immaculate, powder white beaches. 洁白无瑕的沙滩上,闪光的棕榈树叶在温和的海风中舞动,摇曳生姿。
Any of several tropical ferns having more or less sword-shaped fronds including one from which the Boston fern developed. 具有剑形复叶的热带蕨类,包括从波士顿蕨演变来的分支。
In some classification systems placed in family Cyatheaceae: ornamental tree ferns with coarse gracefully drooping fronds. 在一些分类中归入桫椤科;观赏树蕨,叶下垂,粗糙而优美。
Tropical American fern with coarsely lobed to palmatifid fronds. 具有粗糙叶片和掌状复叶的一种美洲热带蕨类。
Stout tropical swamp fern ( especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides. 长有下侧带有金黄色孢子囊的宽大复叶的低矮热带沼泽蕨(特别是分布在美洲热带)。
Fern growing on rocks or tree trunks and having fronds grayish and scurfy below; Americas and South Africa. 生长在岩石上或树干上的蕨类植物,有灰色的叶子下面有皮屑;分布在美洲和南非。
Small often many-crowned fern with slim green fronds; widely distributed in cool parts of northern hemisphere. 带有细长绿色复叶的多花冠小型铁角蕨;广泛分布于北半球凉爽地区。
Terrestrial tropical ferns having fronds with powdery yellowish or white undersides; sometimes placed in family Polypodiaceae or Adiantaceae. 陆生的热带蕨属,叶下面呈淡黄色或白色,粉状;有时归入水龙骨科或裸子蕨科。
Delicate fern widely distributed in North America and European having thin pinnatifid fronds with brittle stems. 广泛分布于北美和欧洲的一种软茎上带有羽状半裂复叶的蕨类。
You can pleat palm fronds to make huts, umbrellas and baskets. 人们可以把棕榈叶折叠起来盖棚屋,制伞,编篮子。
The secret God-grin in the trees and in the teapot, in ashes and fronds, fire and brick, flesh and mental human hope. 上帝秘密的露齿而笑在树上在茶壶中,在灰和水藻里,在火和砖,肉体和精神上人类的希望中。
A common rock-inhabiting fern of northern temperate regions having rusty-brown stipes and lanceolate pinnate fronds. 在岩石上生长的一种具有黄褐色叶柄和披针形羽叶的北方温带蕨类。
Tropical Old World fern having glossy fronds suggestive of holly; sometimes placed in genus Polystichum. 东半球热带地区的有如冬青般叶子的光泽的蕨类;有时归为光叶蕨属。
Common European mountain fern having fragrant lemon or balsam scented fronds. 复叶具有柠檬和凤仙花香的普通高山欧洲蕨。
Fern of Europe and Asia Minor having short slender rhizome and densely tufted bright green parsleylike fronds. 欧洲和小亚细亚一带具有短小剑状根茎和亮绿的似欧芹复叶的一种丛生蕨类。
Fern of West Indies and South America having fronds with bright golden-yellow undersides. 西印度和南美洲一种带有下侧呈金黄色的复叶的蕨类植物。
Fast-growing sturdy Japanese fern; cultivated for their attractive broad dark-green pinnate fronds. 一种成长迅速的坚韧日本蕨;长有宽大的墨绿色的羽状复叶。
Ferns and palms have fronds. 蕨类和棕榈长有长而细的叶。
Epiphytic fern with large fronds; Taiwan and Philippines. 有大叶子的附生蕨类植物;分布在台湾和菲律宾。
The weavers made a hat from palm fronds. 织工用棕榈叶织成了一顶帽子。
Slender fern of northern North America with shining chestnut-colored stipes and bipinnate fronds with usually distinct marginal sori. 具有亮褐色叶柄和二回羽状复叶并通常带有边缘孢子群的一种北美洲北方的细长蕨类。
Large brown seaweeds having fluted leathery fronds. 巨大的褐色海草,有凹槽的坚韧的植物体。
This type of decorative fern comes from Mexico and has fronds which are two to three metres long. 这种装饰性蕨类来自墨西哥,有二三米长的细叶。
Small rock-inhabiting fern of northern temperate zone and Hawaii with pinnate fronds. 生长于北温带和夏威夷的一种带有羽状复叶的小型岩石生蕨类植物。
Lip fern of Texas to Oklahoma and Colorado and Arizona and Mexico having tall erect tufted fronds. 分布在得克萨斯至俄克拉何马、科罗拉多、亚利桑那和墨西哥一带的一种有丛毛的高大唇蕨。
Constituting the order Marattiales: chiefly tropical eusporangiate ferns with gigantic fronds. 组成了马蹄蕨属;主要是热带厚囊蕨的一科带有巨叶。
North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance-shaped fronds. 具有羽状叶片和成群长矛状复叶的一种北美常绿蕨类。
Fern with erect fronds of Europe and western North America; often cultivated for deer browse. 北美西部和欧洲一种带有竖立复叶的蕨类植物;经常作为鹿的食物。
The hanging fronds of the pepper tree parted and a girl of about fifteen ducked out. 低悬着的胡椒树的树叶分开了,一个大约有十五岁的女孩从里面钻了出来。
It was the delicate fronds that attracted my attention. 就是那些精致的叶子吸引了我的注意。