Their ranks are mostly drawn from frontiersmen already hardened to living in the wilderness and capable of hiding in a variety of terrain types. 它的成员主要来自生活于荒野的拓荒者,他们能根据地势的不同进行隐蔽。
Frontiersmen believed teas to be insipid "slops" fit only for the sick and those who, like British Lords, were incapable of bodily labor. 边疆人认为茶是一种稀薄乏味的饮料,只适合病人或不能进行体力劳动的人饮用,例如英国的贵族老爷们。
The northerners usually got the upper hand in the struggle because most frontiersmen were of course opposed to slavery. 大部分的边远居民当然是反对奴隶制的,因此北方人经常在战争中取胜。
He knew the prejudices of the frontiersmen too well. 他深知道这些边民生性固执。
Now the New Frontiersmen swarmed in from state governments, the universities, the foundations and the newspapers. 现在,新边疆的人员从各州政府、各大学、各基金会、各报社蜂拥而来。