Even previously "off-the-beaten-track" destinations like Pingyao are on the frontline of a tourist invasion sweeping across China. 甚至过去鲜有人涉足的(去的人不多的/不出名的)、像平遥这样的目的地也成了横扫中国的旅游入侵的第一线。
Otherwise, frontline entrepreneurs like me will just take their money elsewhere. 否则,像我这样战斗在第一线的创业者就会把资金投向别处。
We should draw upon the information network technologies to timely cure the frontline soldiers via remote medical treatment. 利用信息网络技术,通过远程医疗,让前线的战士接受后方先进的医疗救治,确保救援的正确及时。
Error handling must be considered a frontline part of your application development. 错误处理被认为是应用程序开发的重要部分。
When you work at the frontline, you should be prepared to deal with emergencies. 当你在一线工作时,需要随时准备好处理紧急事件。
There are 110 frontline workers in the NHS with HIV who would be affected by the rule change. 英国国家医疗服务体系中有110名第一线的医护人员是HIV病毒感染者,他们将因禁令取消而受益。
But the 76-year-old's intention to return to frontline politics has been rumored in the months since. 但是76岁的老贝打算重归政坛第一线的消息几个月以来已经被传得沸沸扬扬。
The general commanded that all the soldiers should go to the frontline. 那位将军命令所有的士兵开往前线。
Mr Blair knew he would have to make sacrifices if he wanted to return to frontline public service. 布莱尔清楚,如果他想重返公职第一线,就必须做出牺牲。
Do you want to be on the frontline of technology innovation? 你向往技术创新的前沿吗?
Health professionals are on the frontline. 卫生专业人员处于第一线。
Remuneration for frontline staff should never be linked to sales. 前台员工的薪酬绝不应该与销售挂钩。
Civilians on Yeonpyeong and other frontline islands were told to take shelter. 韩国官方要求延坪岛和其它前沿岛屿的平民进入掩体。
Social development request secondary vocational and technical schools cultivate more talents to practical engineering in the frontline of practical production and the technical management. 社会发展要求中等职业技术学校培养出更多的工程实用型人才到生产第一线从事实际操作和技术管理工作。
We will always stand in the frontline of China's lease research. 努力将中心办成沟通我国租赁界产、学、研的高起点、高水平的研究平台。
I was to take them to a frontline trench. 我得押他们到最前线的战壕去。
I want to start to gain the perspectives and experience of all the people in the World Bank Group, including the staff working on the frontline of development in the field. 我希望开始获知世界银行集团全体人员的观点和经验,包括在发展第一线从事实地工作的员工的观点和经验。
One major need is to improve the relevance of the ICD in primary care settings ( clinics, doctors'offices and frontline health services), as that is where most people are treated. 一个重要需求是改进ICD在初级保健环境(诊所、医生办公室和第一线卫生服务)中的相关性,因为这是大多数民众接受治疗的地方。
Frontline managers: lower-level managers who supervise the operational activities of the organization. 基层管理者:监督组织运作活动的低层管理者。
UV Technology in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Analysis Be multi-skilled and handle any overflow of calls from Frontline. 紫外线技术处理城市污水&城市污水处理中紫外线技术探析成为业务的多面手,能够处理前线的溢线电话。
If Ras Lanuf falls, it brings the frontline closer to the main opposition-held city of Benghazi. 如果拉斯拉努夫失陷,前线将越来越靠近反对派控制的主要城市班加西。
But that would have meant listening to frontline staff. 不过这就意味着要听取一线员工的意见。
If I was defending the frontline in a bunker give me a 如果让我去守卫前线的一个碉堡,我要
The armies of men in the Old World are the frontline defenders against the chaos invaders from the north. 在旧世界中人类的军队是抵抗来自北方入侵者的前线部队。
The ASN-206 is one of the most modern UAV of PLA, especially the real-time video reconnaissance system which provides PLA a good way to proceed frontline reconnaissance. ASN-206是我军较为先进的一种无人机,尤其是它的实时视频侦察系统,为我军前线侦察提供了一种利器。
Lead researcher Hulda Swai, from CSIR's Centre for Polymer Technology, said that in preclinical trials her team have created nanoparticles containing four frontline anti-TB drugs. CSIR的聚合物技术中心的HuldaSwai领导了这项研究,她说她的研究组已经在临床前期试验中制成了含有4种抗结核一线药物的纳米颗粒。
Syria and, potentially, Lebanon are currently the main frontline of this corrosive contest. 叙利亚,可能还有黎巴嫩,目前是这场破坏性斗争的主要前线。
Germany, being split up, became the frontline of the cold-war confrontation between the East and west. 分裂的德国成了东西方冷战对峙的前线。
Be able to work with Frontline and supplier for root cause investigation. 愿意出差到前线或者供应商处进行真正的实效原因的调查。
It was a quiet and bright morning, short bursts and single shots could be heard from the frontline. 这是一个安静和清新的早晨,从前线不断传来零星的枪声和信号弹射击声。