The street was deserted except for a cat lifting its paws off the frosty stones. 街上空无一人,只有一只猫在结霜的石砖上拾爪而行。
The president may get a frosty reception in New Hampshire 总统在新罕布什尔州可能会受到冷遇。
The relationship has obviously become frosty. 很明显关系已经变冷了。
The sun played on the frosty roofs. 阳光在结霜的屋顶上闪烁变幻。
I stop my carriage to admire the Maple Grove at nightfall,| whose frosty leaves are redder than the flowers of early spring. 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。(杜牧《山行》)
For most people, summer involves numerous daily shifts between scorching outdoor heat and frosty air-conditioned interiors. 对大多数人而言,夏季每天要在高温酷热的室外与寒冷的空调房之间转换无数次。
In the frosty air the breath coming out of their nostrils looked like smoke. 在这种严寒的天气里,它们鼻孔里呼出来的热气看起来就像烟雾一般。
So, what should you say to your frosty boss? 那么,你该对冷漠的上司说些什么?
So, frosty, how was your trip to the frozen north? Meet any other snowmen? 那么,雪人,你的北方极地之行怎么样?碰到其他雪人了吗?
When we watch Frosty the Snowman, he roots for the sun. 我们看《结霜的雪人》时,他支持太阳。
Ice and snow feel cold. The banker's voice became frosty. 冰雪摸上去是冷的。银行家的声音变得冷冰冰的。
Each step I take I can feel the crisp frosty grass crunching softly underfoot. 我每走一步,都能感到结有干爽白霜的草地在脚下发出轻微的嘎吱声。
She had taken her child and fled through the frosty starlight. 她抱着孩子,在寒星下逃了出来。
It was a cold, frosty morning. 一个寒冷的有霜冻的清晨。
Driving on this frosty road may be dangerous today, so go carefully. 今天在这条结霜得路上开车很危险。小心点!
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman. 《红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫》和《结霜的雪人》。
Sometimes I thind I.m getting frosty myseif. 有时候我觉得我自己都变的冷淡了。
It was a bright, frosty day, and I was enjoying the fresh air and the exercise. 天气晴朗,有些雾气,我喜欢这新鲜空气和户外活动。
This is the way we clap our hands on a cold and frosty morning. 在一个寒冷,下霜的早晨,我们就是这样拍拍手。
A frosty rime was on his head, and on his eyebrows, and his wiry chin. 一个寒冷的雾凇是在他的头,他的眉毛,他的结实的下巴。
The fields look frosty this morning. 今晨的田野看起来有霜冻。
It was pretty frosty and I thought we could use the house for rest lest the men get frostbite. 天很冷,我想我们可以利用房子休息以防止士兵们被冻伤。
The banker's voice became frosty. 银行家的声音变得冷冰冰的。
On frosty mornings it can take me ten minutes to de-ice my car. 霜冻的早晨,我要花十分钟除去汽车上的冰。
The moment we were setting off, the night was frosty and quiet, the sky clear and starry. 随即我们出发了,夜晚很冷并且安静,天空晴朗,满天星斗。
Even if you are my love, why is frosty to me? 即使你是我的爱人,为何对我冷若冰霜?
Be careful-the pavements are very frosty. 当心&路面结了霜。
Richard Roth hit the streets of New York to gauge people's frosty frustrations. 理查德罗斯走上纽约街头就人们的严寒挫折进行采访。
I could feel the crisp frosty grass underfoot. 我可以感觉到脚下那结了霜的凉飕飕的小草。
Looking through my lenses, I saw nothing but wildlife viewers, sagebrush, and frosty grass. 通过镜头,除了野生动物观察者、山艾和结霜的草,我什么也没看见。