Arboreal fruit-eating mammal of tropical America with a long prehensile tail. 美洲热带具有长而可缠绕性尾巴的树栖食果类哺乳动物。
Bluish black fruit-eating bird with a bell-like call. 有钟一样叫声的蓝黑色鸟,以植物的果实为食。
They are luring fruit-eating bats out of their woodland homes and getting them to dump the undigested seeds of their most recent meals in areas where rainforests once stood. 他们计划将果食蝙蝠诱离所栖森林,引到曾经一片雨林而今变荒为废的空地上排泄粪便,播撒未经消化的树种。
Nocturnal fruit-eating bird of South America that has fatty young yielding an oil that is used instead of butter. 南美洲食果夜行性鸟,幼鸟油脂丰富可加工成黄油的替代品。
Fruit-eating mostly brilliant blue songbird of the East Indies. 印度东部食水果的歌鸟,大部分是鲜艳的蓝色。