With the choicest gifts of the ancient mountains and the fruitfulness of the everlasting hills; 得上古之山的至宝,永世之岭的宝物;
When you minister in a manner consistent with the personality God gave you, you experience fulfillment, satisfaction, and fruitfulness. 当你以神赋予的个性事奉他时,你会经历到成就感、满足感并有果效。
Using your shape is the secret of both fruitfulness and fulfillment in ministry. 善用你的特色是你在事工中能得着满足与果效的秘诀。
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness! 雾气弥散、瓜果飘香的成熟之季!
Now that the initial exploratory stage of space physics has been completed successfully, the fruitfulness of future projects will depend on addressing basic scientific problems. 空间物理学已成功地迈过了探索阶段,未来是要搞清一些基本的科学问题。
This religious and mystical ritual for expelling illness, for health and fruitfulness is one that must be seen to be believed. 这个宗教和神秘仪式驱邪疾病卫生结实,是一个必须让人相信。
Ideas such as these need proper thought and consideration, otherwise they lose their fruitfulness. 像这些观点都需要经过正确的考虑和思量,否则它们将失去成效。
Hidden in the heart of things thou art nourishing seeds into sprouts, buds into blossoms, and ripening flowers into fruitfulness. 你潜藏在万物的心里,培育着种子发芽,蓓蕾绽红,花落结实。
For believe me: the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and greatest enjoyment is-to live dangerously. 一定要相信我,要想在生活中硕果累累或充满高兴,那就是要去生活在危险中。
The fruitfulness of a theory, in both the physical and the social sciences, he declared, depended on the success of the predictions which could be made with it and not on the descriptive realism of the assumptions. 他宣称,无论是自然科学还是社会科学,理论的成效,取决于其产生的预测成功与否,而非其假设在描述上是否逼真。
The Blessings of Abraham are defined as prosperity, fruitfulness, multiplication and having God's favour. 亚伯拉罕的祝福被解释为繁盛、多结果子、倍增而蒙神喜悦的。
With Mary, the handmaiden of the Lord, you will discover the joy and fruitfulness of the hidden life. 与上主的婢女玛利亚一起,你们会发现默观生活的喜乐和丰盈。
As goddess of flowers and fruitfulness she is associated especially with the rose, the poppy, and the myrtle. 因为她是花果神,所以人们特别把她与玫瑰、罂粟和爱神木联系起来。
The ultimate goal of spiritual giftedness and fruitfulness is to point men and women to God. 属灵恩赐和果子的终极目标是使人归向上帝。
We must guard against discipleship as being all about spiritual things that helping the poor through plain good works is not considered as the fruitfulness of a disciple. 我们也必须警惕的是所有关于属灵的事情,帮助穷人,乐善好施,并不能视为门徒的成就。
Throughout the ages people have considered citrus fruit to symbolized love, happiness, holiness and fruitfulness. 长久以来,人们一直认为柑橘果象征着爱、幸福、神圣和富足。
Their military superiority, the fruitfulness of their soil, and their large population make them a brave people. 优越的军队、富饶的土地和众多的人口使他们成为一个勇敢的民族。
A Preliminary Study on the Cross& fruitfulness of Wheat and Wild Oat 小麦与野燕麦杂交结实性的初步研究
The correlation between yield and other characteristics indicates that the more the number of fruit setting and of mature pods the more will be the yield; and this correlation is in a sense suggesting that the fruitfulness and good maturity are essential determining factors of yield. 产量与其他性状的相关性表明,单株结果数越多,产量越高,饱果数越多,产量越高,说明果多果饱是决定产量高低的主要因素。
Studies on Pollinated Fruitfulness for some Apple Cultivars 苹果部分品种的授粉结实性研究
A Preliminary Study on the Flowering and Fruitfulness in Pinus massoniana 马尾松开花结实规律的初步研究
Lu Xun's sceptical spirit in "Wild Grass" produces a profound impact on Mu Dan's poetry by such aspects as its modernist idiosyncrasy, scepticism and fruitfulness. 鲁迅《野草》的怀疑精神从现代主义特质、多疑性和丰富性三个方面对穆旦诗产生了深刻影响。