Her niece had been searching fruitlessly for her every day since March12th. 3月12日以来虽然她每天都在寻找,但却毫无音讯。
Plodded through the shadows fruitlessly like an ubiquitous spook ( Joseph Heller) 象无所不在的鬼一样,徒劳地在阴影中缓慢不停地走动(约瑟夫赫勒)
The donkey became extremely angry this time, and tried hard to kick the tiger but fruitlessly. 这一次,毛驴愤怒地用蹄子去踢老虎,但是却非常笨拙无力。
In Maastricht Pact signed in 1992, the European Community put forward the Common Foreign and Security Policy ( CFSP) formally. Nevertheless, in practice, this policy have been acting fruitlessly and meeting with a lot of obstruction. 在1992年签订的《马斯特里赫特条约》中欧共体各国正式提出了共同外交与安全政策,然而该政策在实践中却一直表现乏力,阻碍重重。
This article argues that the debate on the relationship between theory and practice in education is a fruitlessly false proposition, which just repeats the work of philosophy but isn't conscious of the real meaning of this debate. 教育理论与实践之争是一个劳而无功的虚假性命题。教育领域教育理论与实践关系之争只是重复了哲学的工作,而没有真正意识到这场讨论的根本意义所在。
Rabbit has fruitlessly revolted against the alienated situation where he is, to remain true to the self and restore his social ties and self-integrity, but all his efforts prove futile and useless eventually. ‘兔子’为了保持真实的自我和恢复与社会的联系及自我的完整性,也曾对自己的异化处境做出了反抗。