Divested of the hype surrounding its launch, the show can now emerge as a full-fledged classic. 没有了上映时的炒作,这场演出现在可以作为一部真正意义上的经典之作亮相了。
The install on the770 has never quite decided whether it's an embedded system or a full-fledged desktop Linux. 的安装并不能决定它究竟是一个嵌入式系统还是一个功能完整的桌面Linux。
Is this an area for micro-optimization, a full-fledged crisis, or something in between? 这是一个需要细微优化的领域还是一个严重的危机,或者介于二者之间?
It isn't a full-fledged portal server itself. Pluto本身不是功能全面的门户服务器;
With the addition of some other open source tools, you can support a full-fledged Linux development system complete with networking and a graphical user interface. 再加上其他一些开放源码工具,就可以建立一个完全成熟的Linux开发系统,包括连网和图形用户界面。
Every organization requires a full-fledged mail client with rich features, security, and easy setup. 每个组织都需要一个成熟的电子邮件客户端,它提供了丰富的功能、安全且安装简单。
Is it being implemented as a full-fledged scalable product? 它实现为一个可伸缩的成熟产品吗?
Sometimes we just need to make the data available for querying and sometimes we're developing a full-fledged report. 有时候我们只需要让数据用于查询,有时候我们要开发健全的报告。
Here, we will extend that simple CRUD web application into a full-fledged enterprise application using Spring Roo. 此处,我们将使用SpringRoo将简单的CRUDweb应用程序扩展成一个成熟的企业应用程序。
As this point, we have extended our simple CRUD web application to a full-fledged enterprise application. 至此,我们已将简单的CRUDweb应用程序扩展为成熟的企业应用程序。
As a full-fledged JMS client, MDBs can both send and receive messages asynchronously via a MOM server. 作为一种成熟的JMS客户机,MDB通过一个MOM服务器既可以发送消息,又可以接收消息。
There are many issues and concerns involved in converting a full-fledged dashboard into a mobile equivalent. 将功能完备的仪表板转换为移动等效仪表板涉及到许多问题和顾虑。
But China is not a full-fledged revisionist state like Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union in the last century. 但中国并不像纳粹德国或上个世纪的苏联,它并不是一个成熟的修正主义国家。
I use it as a full-fledged entertainment center. 我要使用它作为一个完全成熟的娱乐中心。
Once that happens, the rejuvenated cell can develop into a full-fledged animal, genetically identical to its parent. 此过程一发生,这个恢复活力的细胞就能发育成一个完全的动物,这个动物与它的亲体在遗传上就会一模一样。
Responsible for the above-mentioned company's products in China a full-fledged agents and sales services. 负责上述公司的产品在中国地区的全权代理和销售服务。
The in-house design group moved downtown to a new building a few minutes'walk from Samsung's headquarters and became a full-fledged corporate design center. 室内设计组搬到了市区的一栋新的大楼,这栋楼距离三星本部步行只需几分钟,并成为了成熟的企业设计中心。
The minnow too had grown and had become a full-fledged fish. 此时的小鲦鱼也已长大,长成了一条年轻健康的鲦鱼。
This need not involve full-fledged fiscal union. 这不需要牵涉到全面财政联盟。
A full-fledged deflationary cycle has not started yet but you can see it in more and more industrial sectors. 一个全面的通缩周期尚未开始,但你可以在越来越多的工业部门看到这方面的迹象。
Makes you a full-fledged partner in the nightclub. 让你成为这个夜总会的正式合伙人。
It was full-fledged day in all its shiny brightness. 一个光线十足的白天开始了。
She has sought to turn that fame into a full-fledged business empire. 她试图把这种名望转变为成熟的商业帝国。
From the former heavily polluted industry center, the province has developed into a healthy economy with full-fledged transportation, power, finance, information and environment systems. 从原来污染严重的工业中心,全省已经发展成为一个拥有健康的经济与发达的交通,电力,金融,信息和环境系统的省份。
It's kind of that stage right now: we can use Java and deploy a full-fledged Java application but there's a lot of room for improvement. 现在的阶段是:我们可以使用Java和部署一个完整的Java应用,但事实上还有很大的改进空间。
Lima-Ubi is supported by full-fledged operational facilities and customer service network equipped with a complete team of logistics professionals. 利通拥有装备完整的操作系统和由专业的物流团队支持的客户服务网络。
Your JAX-RS resources can be full-fledged MVC Controllers by returning a Spring ModelAndView. JAX-RS资源完全可以是返回SpringModelAndView的MVC控制器。
Having a service and schema compatibility policy is not dependent on doing full-fledged versioning and SLM capabilities. 拥有服务和模式兼容性策略并不要求具备全面的版本管理和SLM能力。
I've seen people encounter full-fledged WIGs in the shaky words written by their own non-dominant hand. 我见过人们用自己非惯用手写出的抖动话语中发现了完好的的WIG。
This is not a demand for a full-fledged essay. 并不要求你把它写成完整、丰富的正式论文。