By having to face out-and-out wingers, the Chelsea fullbacks Paulo Ferreira and Asier Del Horno will have to stay in a defensive-minded posture, stunting their attacking instincts as well as having their positioning disrupted. 通过不折不扣地面对两翼,切尔西后卫保罗费雷拉和德尔奥尔诺将不得不以防守的姿势留在后场,既阻止了他们插上进攻,也能使他们的位置混乱。
Ovrmars often beats the fullbacks to the inside and cuts in for goal. 奥维马斯经常摆脱对方后卫的堵截插入里线抢点射门。
There is also a notable gap between midfield and attack, and the wing-play is the sole responsibility of the fullbacks. 这一阵型前锋和中场间的距离也非常大,边后卫的助攻几乎成为了进球的唯一方式。
The vanguards are the main scorekeepers and the avant-couriers and fullbacks lack the consciousness of attacking and shooting; 前锋是主要得分手,前卫和后卫缺乏足够的进攻意识和射门欲望;