He also cut through the fumblings of rivals such as Sony in creating the Kindle. 贝索斯还打造了Kindle,从索尼(Sony)等竞争对手的笨拙产品中脱颖而出。
In the slow-motion fumblings of family life, it was easy just to keep going along, mark the milestones, measure the kids on the kitchen door and miss the movement. 一味沉溺于应付慢节奏的家庭琐事,我们很容易只是打发着日子,记录几件大事,在厨房门上给孩子量身高,而无暇顾及运动以至于错过。
The fumblings of national politicians, answerable to frustrated electorates, are making things worse. 要向失望的选民负责的各国政治家们的拙劣应对,正让形势变得更糟。