
英 [ˈfʌŋkʃnəriz] 美 [ˈfʌŋkʃəˌnɛriz]

n.  公职人员; 官员


  1. (尤指为政府或政党服务的)行政人员,官员
    A functionary is a person whose job is to do administrative work, especially for a government or a political party.


    1. Article 44 The state applies the system of retirement for workers and staff of enterprises and institutions and for functionaries of organs of state according to law.
    2. All state organs and functionaries must rely on the support of the people, keep in close touch with them, heed their opinions and suggestions, accept their supervision and do their best to serve them.
    3. Article 72. State functionaries, journalists, mass communications workers, and other relevant personnel are not allowed to disseminate falsified information that will seriously affect securities trading.
    4. Article 126. Employees of a stock exchange, a stock registration and accounting institution, and a securities company, as well as government functionaries who are fired for violation of law or discipline are not allowed to be recruited by securities companies.
    5. This applies not only to government functionaries, but more to leading officials.
    6. The bribery suspects representatives of sports media and sports promotion firms are alleged to have been involved in schemes to make payments to the soccer functionaries delegates of Fifa and other functionaries of Fifa sub-organisations totalling more than$ 100m.
    7. The petty bourgeoisie were city dwellers who may have been government functionaries, owners of small businesses, or intellectuals.
    8. All government institutions and functionaries must implement stste laws, decrees and policies.
    9. The exit and entry of crews of transnational trains, crews of civil aviation planes operating international flights and the railway functionaries working in china's border areas shall be handled according to relevant agreements and provisions.
    10. Since the force of habit still exists in society, it can influence many governmental functionaries.
    11. The functionaries of the state or the agencies in charge of social insurance funds who misappropriate the social insurance funds, shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law if a crime is constituted.
    12. Decides on the appointment and removal of functionaries of state organs within its jurisdiction as prescribed by law;
    13. The aforesaid reward provisions shall not apply to taxation personnel or government functionaries employed in such areas as finance and auditing or procuratorial personnel.
    14. The rewards to the attractors among the government functionaries of this Region shall be implemented in accordance with the Interim Provisions of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on the Administrative Awards.
    15. To ensure the implementation of the Procedure, all customs department functionaries shall conscientiously learn the essence of the Procedure and undertake the work of publicity and interpretation.
    16. When I first visited the country, many of the top officials I met were traditional party functionaries.
    17. Crime of state functionaries concerning criminal syndicate is the most serious and harmful officials corruption colluding with organizations in the nature of criminal syndicate.
    18. The functionaries of the working departments subsidiary to the organs of self-government are composed in a similar fashion.
    19. State functionaries and other personnel engaged in the work for the disabled should work hard to fulfil their lofty duties in serving the disabled.
    20. In their country, the clerks and the functionaries always find it difficult to live on their salary.
    21. Investigate and handle acts of administrative discipline violations by state administrative organs, government functionaries, and by other personnel appointed by state administrative organs;
    22. The "administrative enforcement personnel" refer to those functionaries that perform the power of administrative enforcement of law according to law.
    23. State functionaries of the Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board and other personnel engaged in trademark registration, administration and review shall not be involved in trademark agency services or in any activity of manufacturing and trading goods.
    24. The supervisory functionaries in the electricity regulatory institution shall obtain and use the enforcement certificates according to these Measures.
    25. Article 12 State functionaries and military personnel on active service shall not renounce Chinese nationality.
    26. The news media have also strengthened supervision of cases involving dereliction of duty, abuse of power and infringement of citizens 'legitimate rights and interests by government functionaries.
    27. Conversely, if the problem seems to be among junior functionaries, the business could create safeguards for the local staff who secure permits, visas and other documents.
    28. The problem of public functionaries 'crimes by taking advantage of duty is a general problem in international criminology field.
    29. The Indian transmitters were court functionaries, not missionaries.
    30. Judicial Recognition of State Functionaries in State-controlled Company and State-participated Company