Religious fundamentalism was spreading in the region. 宗教原教旨主义正在这一地区蔓延。
When the political climate tilted towards fundamentalism he was threatened 当政治气候倾向于原教旨主义时,他受到了威胁。
Turkey, where the army famously held religious fundamentalism in check for decades, is undergoing severe social friction as Erdogan has jailed senior military officers and members of the press. 土耳其军队数十年来一直以遏制宗教原教旨主义而著称,而该国目前正在经历严重的社会冲突,埃尔多安已经监禁了多名高级军官和新闻界人士。
This fundamentalism is not war's only hold on the gold machine. 战争对黄金机制的唯一控制并不仅限于此。
The prime minister also called terrorism, fundamentalism and communalism the biggest challenges to Indian unity. 印度总理还将恐怖主义、原教旨主义和地方自治主义称作是对印度统一的最大挑战。
It was all new to me because, like my father, I was an_and had not heard of fundamentalism. 这对我来说是新鲜的,因为我以前跟父亲一样,都是不可知论者,我并无接触过基要派。
A prisoner of fiscal fundamentalism, the Treasury wants five more years of austerity if the Conservatives are re-elected. 如果保守党再次当选,作为财政原教旨主义的囚徒,英国财政部希望再过五年的紧缩日子。
This is aesthetic fundamentalism, she said. The law on religious believers is particularly slippery. 她补充说,关于宗教信徒的那项法律尤其模糊。
My dissertation dealt with the 19th-century roots of fundamentalism in America. 我的学位论文与19世纪美国基要主义的根源有关。
But, like many good ideas that take on the mantle of a cult, inflation fundamentalism can hurt. 但是,与许多披着宗教崇拜外衣的美好想法一样,通胀原教旨主义也可能带来危害。
When the US government fanned up Islamic fundamentalism and made use of Bin Laden as a weapon against the Soviet Union, it did not hesitate about upholding such large-scale terrorist means. 当你们把奥萨玛.宾拉登当作煽动回教基本教义派来对抗苏联的武器时,你们是毫不在乎地支持他使用这种大规模的杀戮手段。
Market fundamentalism is out of favour, the failings of socialism are still not forgotten. 市场原教旨主义已经失宠,社会主义的失败记忆犹新。
These could be at least as damaging as the free market fundamentalism that they would seek to replace. 这些措施所造成的破坏,至少不会比他们希望取代的自由市场原教旨主义要小。
A deep fundamentalism underlies her religious beliefs. 坚定的原教旨丰义是她宗教信仰的基础。
Fundamentalism has spread from rural areas to the affluent suburbs. 正统基督教派从乡村传播到了富裕的市郊。
Beggar-my-neighbour policies are sometimes justified by the collapse of a bogey called market fundamentalism. 有些时候,市场原教旨主义这种妖魔化理论的崩溃,证明了以邻为壑的经济政策的合理性。
In his article, he talks of the resurgent fundamentalism in many religious movements. 在他的文章中,他谈到了在许多宗教运动中正在复兴的原教旨主义。
In the US, where church and state are constitutionally separate, fundamentalism has a formative influence on politics unknown in any other advanced country. 在美国,教会和政府在宪法上是分离的,但基要主义对政治发展有一种其它任何发达国家都不知道的影响力。
He also identifies with Christian fundamentalism. 他还认同基督教原教旨主义。
In the run-up to Japan's recent election, Yukio Hatoyama, the victorious candidate for prime minister, campaigned against "unrestrained market fundamentalism". 在日本最近选举的准备阶段,后来胜选的首相候选人鸠山由纪夫(YukioHatoyama)便对“无节制的市场原教旨主义”开了炮。
There, a shared Bengali identity runs deep, the Muslim population is less prone to religious fundamentalism than that of Pakistan and MS Hasina is regarded as an ally of India. 在那里,人们对孟加拉的认同感非常强烈;与巴基斯坦相比,孟加拉国穆斯林的宗教原教旨主义倾向相对较弱;哈西娜女士则被认为是印度的一个盟友。
Seven Notes: market fundamentalism of the Economist, Economic Man is bound to change! 注七:市场原教旨主义的经济学人,必然蜕变为经济人!
A supporter of fundamentalism. 正统派基督教的支持者。
There is no hope of a recovery to the good old days of unregulated predatory market fundamentalism. 没有任何一个恢复的希望对无人管理掠食的市场原教旨主义的过去的好时光。
Pakistan uses Islamic fundamentalism to submerge traditional Pashtun ethnic identity in a desperate attempt to suppress Pashtun ethnic nationalism, and to stave off the disintegration of Pakistan. 巴基斯坦利用穆斯林的原教旨主义来淹没普什图人的民族认同,不顾一切地企图抑制普什图人的民族主义,延缓巴基斯坦的分裂。
Slimming down the BBC is one thing; dismantling it in the cause of liberal market fundamentalism is another. 削减BBC的规模是一回事,以自由市场原教旨主义的名义将其肢解则是另一回事。
I call that belief market fundamentalism and I contend that it is based on a false argument. 我把这种说法称作“市场原教旨主义”,并且我认为这种论断是建立在错误的论据基础上的。
This is why fundamentalism is so dangerous. 这就是为什么原教旨主义是十分危险的。
Such ideological hubris contributed to the market fundamentalism that led to financial nemesis in 2008. 这种意识形态上的自大,助长了市场原教旨主义,后者则招致了2008年金融危机的报复。