While digging in spring of1929, a farmer at Yuelingwan Village of Guanghan County, Sichuan Province, happened to find a pit full of funerary objects made of jade. 1929年春,四川广汉月亮湾的一位农民,在挖掘水车汲水坑时,偶然挖出了一个玉石器殉葬坑。
After the last century explorers, archaeologists are busy at home, have been found in the desert Rob many large-scale tombs and funerary items. 经过近百年来探险家、考古家们的忙碌,已在罗布荒漠发现了许多大规模的墓葬及随葬物品。
As the centers of the Northern Qi, Yecheng and Jinyang showed a relatively typical funerary system and tomb culture. 邺城和晋阳作为北齐统治的核心,其墓葬文化较好地体现了北齐的丧葬制度和墓葬文化。
The Symbol and Function of Religious Funerary Rites in Li Cheng 宗教市场论视野下鲤城丧葬仪式的象征与功能
The funerary Stupa laying the remains of Great Master OuYi, Pharmacist Hall, Monks'Cell and Office of the temple are at the east of the midfield axis. 中轴线的东侧是蕅益大师灵塔塔院、药师殿、僧寮和寺院办公室。
In the chambers, there are no bones in the coffin but32 pieces or sets of funerary objects unearthed which are made of pottery vessels and ceramics. 墓室内棺木尸骨全无,出土随葬品有陶瓷日用器皿及陶塑品等32件。
Hourig Sourouzian, who headed the team of archaeologists, said the statue head was one of84 artefacts unearthed at Amenhotep's funerary temple on the west bank of the Nile in Luxor. 整个考古小组的领导者,考古学家萨鲁齐安说道,阿孟霍特普王陵位于尼罗河沿岸的卢克索地区,这一头部雕像就是该王陵发掘出的84坐雕像之一。
A funerary objects in the tomb pit girls exquisite rich, that was heavy on the girl's love. 一座女孩土坑墓中随葬品精致丰富,表明当时对女孩的爱重。
Pragmatism informs many funerary practices. 实用主义影响了许多丧葬习俗。
The funerary ceremonies occupied two days. 丧葬仪式花了两天时间。
The art in Han Dynasty is symbolic art, and poetry, music, stone portraits, or funerary objects all use a huge number to express their potential aesthetic emotion. 汉代艺术是象征型的艺术,无论诗赋、乐舞、画像石还是明器,都以其数量的巨大来表达潜在的审美情感。
Early this year, a funerary urn that contained human ashes, as well as bone fragments that appeared to be from a sheep, were found in one of the necropolis'tombs. 在今年早些时候,在该墓地的其中一个墓穴里还发现了一个装有人类骨灰的骨灰缸和一些看似是羊的骨骼碎片。
Probably, we are nothing but the counters of time consumption, living a life but to be the funerary objects of the time of life, and happiness does not occur to our mind at all. 也许我们只是时间消费的筹码,活了一世不过是为那一世的岁月充当殉葬品,根本不会想到快乐。
The capital of the Old Kingdom of Egypt has some extraordinary funerary monuments, including rock tombs, ornate mastabas, temples and pyramids. 这处令人叹为观止的墓葬群遗址坐落在古埃及王国首都的周围,包括岩石墓、雕墓,庙宇和金字塔。
Many exquisite funerary objects were extracted from this grave. 这个古墓里出土了很多精美的随葬品。
I toid him this funerary statue wouid take his Iast breath. 我告诉他葬礼塑像能伴着他死去。
Families wanted a son to bear the family name, to inherit property and to carry out funerary duties. 很多家庭都想要一个儿子来沿袭祖姓、继承财产和养老送终。
The data update is completed by fixing parts and power supply for the FLASH player and MP4 player, arranging the LCD and controller on the surface of funerary urn, and using USB interfaces. 将FLASH音响和MP4用的零部。电源进行固定将液晶屏和控制结构置于骨灰盒的表面,并增加USB接口,供相关资料的更新。
The scale of the tombs and funerary objects difference is very small, but the woman funerary objects slightly more than men. 各墓规模和随葬品差别很小,但女子随葬品略多于男子。
The102pieces or groups of funerary objects unearthed include bronze, pottery, jade and stone. 出土随葬器物102件(组)、有铜器、玉石器等。
The excavation provides plentiful data to the searches on the material culture, social life and funerary custom of the Eastern Zhou period. 该墓的发掘为研究东周时期的物质文化、社会生活和丧葬习俗提供了丰富的实物资料。
The funerary objects in the tomb such as lacquer, Chu and Qin inscriptions prove multi cultures existence in tombs. 秦墓中伴出楚漆器、楚铭文和秦铭文,这为墓葬之中多元文化共存提供了新颖的资料。
The main tombs of Han Jia Wan village are small and medium-sized. Although most of the tombs have been damaged in different degrees, the graves are clear, and a certain number of funerary objections are unearthed. 这批墓葬以中小型墓为主,虽然多数墓葬遭到不同程度破坏,但墓葬形制比较清楚,并有一定数量的随葬物出土,为韩家湾村唐墓研究提供了基础资料。
Some tombs, funerary paint mask air pillow with regional features artifacts, this and the history and geographical environment is associated. 一些墓葬随葬漆面罩、空中枕等带有地域性特征器物,这与该区历史沿革及地理环境是相关联的。
Divided into four sections, discussed by the funerary rites of the funeral to express their ideas. 主要分为四个小节,论述作者借丧葬礼俗表达自己的丧葬观念。
The influence mainly reflected in the shape of pottery and in the combination of the pottery. V The influence of the Chu culture on the funerary objects of lacquer or wood. 楚文化对皖中西汉墓葬中随葬的陶器的影响,主要表现在对其陶器器型和陶器组合两方面。
Generally speaking, the development course of funerary jade using can be divided into three stages: Neolithic period-Shang Dynasty is the embryonic-stage, Zhou Dynasty is the development-stage and Han Dynasty is the thriving stage. 葬玉的发展历程大体说来可分为三个阶段:新石器时期&商代的萌芽阶段、周代的发展阶段和汉代的鼎峰阶段。
Figurines is the most common funerary objects during the Wei and Jin Dynasties tombs, and usually is studied as a typical artifacts with high historical, cultural and artistic value. 陶俑是魏晋北朝时期墓葬中最为常见的随葬品,通常被当做典型器物加以研究,有较高的历史、文化和艺术价值。