VERB 收拢(伞等);卷起,收卷(帆、旗等) When you furl something made of fabric such as an umbrella, sail, or flag, you roll or fold it up because it is not going to be used.
An attempt was made to furl the headsail. 人们试图收起艏斜帆。
An attempt was made to furl the headsail. 人们试图收起艏斜帆。
Adopts air swelling shaft to furl roll ( or to use pneumatic style to furl roll), the tension of furling roll can be adjusted. 无极调速调整张力。采用气涨轴收卷(或选用气动式收卷),收卷松紧度可调。
He was supposed to furl the side flaps in the morning. A door shuts with a bang and curtains billow into the room. 他的任务就是每天早上把两侧的遮帘卷起。房门砰地一声关上了,窗帘被风翻卷着吹向屋内。
Please make an experiment-take two similar pices of material and furl on the yard. 请做一个实验:取两块相同材料的布片和卷在帆桁上。
Mom say while furl trouser. 妈妈边说边卷起裤脚。
I like mother like trouser, furl sleeves rolled up water. 我像妈妈一样卷起裤脚,卷起袖子下水了。
What a clambering aloft of men, vying with each other who shall lie out first upon the yards to furl the icy sails, while the ship rolls and pitches, like mad! 想一想当船在疯狂似地左右摇晃、前后颠簸的时候,船员们却往桅杆高处攀登,相互竞争谁先爬到帆桁上去卷收结冰的船帆吧!
The implement of controlling the speed of multi-roller, temperature of dryness tower, rectify a deviation of furl using PLC on product line of preliminary-immerged cloth are introduced in this paper. The speed of motor can be adjusted by adopting transducer. 使用PLC对预浸布生产线进行多辊速度控制、干燥塔温度控制、收卷纠偏控制,采用变频器对电机速度进行调节;
The compound ferrous removes colloid particles in water by charge oxidation-reduction, neutralization and furl mechanism. 复合亚铁是通过氧化还原、吸附电中和及卷扫三种作用机理起混凝作用的。