ADJ-GRADED 偷偷摸摸的;鬼鬼祟祟的;秘密的 If you describe someone's behaviour as furtive, you disapprove of them behaving as if they want to keep something secret or hidden.
With a furtive glance over her shoulder, she unlocked the door and entered the house. 她鬼鬼祟祟地往身后扫了一眼,然后打开门锁进了房子。
'Psst! Come over here!' one youth hissed furtively. “嘘!到这儿来!”一个年轻人鬼鬼祟祟地说。
He glanced furtively at the stolid faces of the two detectives. 他偷偷地瞄了一下两名侦探面无表情的脸孔。
Some women furtively stash away their husband's money over the years on the pretext that it would be of some assistance if he has to die first. 有些女人会长年私藏丈夫的一些钱财,并借口说如果丈夫先走一步的话,这些钱财就能派上用场。
He was frightened at the thought of hearing philosophy discussed, and he fled furtively, for fear that some one of the "real dirt" might chance along and recognize him. 他一想到听哲学讨论就头疼,他偷偷地溜走了,他生怕出现什么“草芥之民”认出他来。
The mystery box in Super 8 is a boxcar on a freight train speeding through Lillian one night in 1979 as some kids are furtively shooting a Super-8 movie. 《超级8》中的神秘盒是1979年某晚驶过莉莉安的一列货车的车厢。当时孩子们正在暗地里拍摄一部名为超级8的电影。
Certain candidates hunch over, glance furtively around the room or wring their sweaty palms. 某些求职者会蜷缩身体,茫然地瞟着房间四周,或是扭动出汗的手掌。
The sun has feet, look, he is treading on, lightly and furtively; and I am caught, blankly, in his revolution. 阳光有脚丫,瞧,它正踩着轻盈的步伐偷偷前行着,而我呢,茫然看着它的轮转,就这样,在我洗手时,日子在我洗手的水槽里流走。
Ellen finished and gerald, who could never find his beads at prayer time, began furtively counting his decade on his fingers. 爱伦祷告完,便轮到杰拉尔德。他经常在这种时候找不到念珠,只好偷偷沿着指头计算自己祷告的遍数。
The cat goes furtively downstairs, winding her lithe tail and licking her lips. 那只猫蜷着它那弯弯的尾巴,用舌头舔着嘴角,贼头贼脑地溜下楼去。
NEW YORK ( Reuters Life!)-Do you check your BlackBerry during work meetings? Do you do it furtively under the table, while your colleagues are distracted by a presentation? 你在工作会议期间检查你的“黑莓”了吗?你那些正在开会的同事们因你在桌子底下偷偷做这些分散注意力了吗?
Leave furtively and stealthily. To move stealthily or cautiously. 偷偷地或小心翼翼地走偷偷地并且仓促地移动。
Then, in 2008, they furtively wielded the knife again, pulling funding from some American banks and the "repo" repurchase markets. 然后,在2008年,它们再次悄悄地使用了这把凶器,将资金从一些美国银行以及“回购(repo)”市场中撤了出来。
The promised car was not there to meet us, so we loitered furtively among the crowds. 预约的接站车没有来接我们,于是我们就只好混在人群中闲逛。
Leave furtively and stealthily. 偷偷地,悄悄地离开。
Cause to move furtively and hurriedly. 偷偷地并且仓促地移动。
A slouchy figure crossed the opposite corner and glanced furtively in his direction. 一个无精打采的人走过对面的拐角,偷偷地朝他这个方向看着。
The Mouse peeping out, crept furtively up his flank, and, again biting him, retreated to his hole. 老鼠向外偷看一下,轻轻地爬到它的腋下,再咬它一口,又逃到洞里去。
Wang pounded the table again and demanded," you-speak up!" furtively rubbing his injured palm against his thigh. 汪处厚重拍桌子道:“你--你快说!”偷偷地把拍痛的手掌擦着大腿。
She snatched the letter furtively from her son and hid it ravenously in her bosom. 她冷不防从儿子手里一把夺过信来,贪婪地藏进怀里。
She slewed her eyes furtively from side to side. 她眼睛滴溜溜地转来转去。
Since then, the old man furtively fetched the gold sand once every half a month or so, so he became rich soon. 从此,老汉过个十天半月就偷偷来取一次金砂,日子很快富裕起来。
At this some of the others furtively exchanged significant glances. 听他这样说,有几个人心照不宣地彼此对望了一眼。
How do they succeed in deceiving us by their false appearances, while furtively doing the things we least expect? 他们怎样以假象欺骗我们,而在暗里却干着我们意料不到的事情呢?
Remembering my presence, he furtively dropped it under his chair. 后来想起我在,他便偷偷地把书丢在椅子下。
She glanced furtively at the photo in his wallet. 她偷偷瞥了一眼他钱包里的照片。
Fang was about to go on deck to look for Miss Pao when Ah Liu furtively called him. 鸿渐正要上甲板找鲍小姐,阿刘鬼鬼祟祟地叫方先生。
On the contrary, some quants have furtively revelled in the power that their apparently elite knowledge gave them. 相反,一些宽客暗自沉醉于他们明显处于尖端水平的知识赋予自己的力量。
Moore listened at first with his eyes cast down, but soon he furtively raised them. 穆尔起先是低挂着眼睛谛听着,可是,过了一会儿,他悄悄地抬起眼来。
As she turned away I saw him sniff furtively under his arm. 当她转身离开时,我看到他偷偷嗅了一下腋下。
He looked up furtively as she entered. 思嘉进去时他偷偷朝她看了看。