Futurists agree that these trends will grow as telecommunications networks become cheaper and more efficient. 未来学家一致认为,随着电信网络资费的降低和效率的提高,这些趋势将会越来越明显。
The Ford entertainment system in this new model of its hybrid sedan is just a taste of the internet-connected, in-car entertainment to come. Futurists predict that it is only a matter of years before self-driving cars take over the roads. 福特这款新型混合动力轿车配备的娱乐系统,只向我们展示了未来联网车载娱乐的一个雏形。未来主义者预言,自动驾驶汽车上路的那一天只需几年时间便可到来。
Speculators and futurists talk about a "post-scarcity" economy, in which things are generally free; in which the costs of things are too low for it to be worth measuring them. 投机者和未来主义者谈到了“后匮乏”经济,其中所有一切通常都是免费的;其成本太低而不值得对其进行衡量。
Where a typical start-up preaches the values of disruption and convenience, these alternative futurists point to the social or environmental impact. 一般的初创企业宣扬颠覆和便利的价值,而这些另类未来主义者指向社会或环境影响。
That question was posed to a group of industry analysts, futurists and executives for key vendors, a group grounded in reality, not fantasy. 这个问题被提给了那些重要的供应商的工业分析家,预言者和执行管理人员,一群局限于现实而不能幻想的人。
But the futurists of the new millennium can't avoid reworking the past! 但是,未来派艺术家在新世纪无可避免要重塑过去!
Futurists always emphasise technology breakthroughs, and many will predict a commercially viable "tipping-point" for electronic books such as Amazon's Kindle. 未来主义者一直期待着技术上的突破,他们中的部分人预言触摸式的电子书(如亚马逊的Kindle)将进入实质性的商业运作阶段。
In Italy a decisive contribution to the development of modern art was made by the Futurists. 在意大利,未来派对现代艺术的发展作出了决定性的贡献。
Instead of the paperless office promised by futurists, offices and homes seemed to be drowning in more paper than ever. 不是像未来家承诺的无纸化办公那样,办公室和家庭比什么时候都投身于更多的纸质文件。
The futurists rejected the past and all received artistic traditions. 未来主义派反对过去的和所有已普遍接受的艺术传统。
Futurists say robots will be a large part of life. 未来学家说机器人将是我们生活的一大部分。
The possible impact of this technology has the futurists talking of the collapse of national borders, the bypass of tax systems and traditional commerce and the emancipation of the individual from the clutches of government, corporations and the boundaries of culture, gender and physical constraints. 其潜在的影响力令未来学者们探讨起国界消失,对税务体系和传统商业的绕越,以及个人摆脱政府、公司约束,从文化种族界限及物质制约下获得的解放等问题。
Is compared with that used by the Cubists and Futurists in their artworks, and the author points out their similarities both in the structure and in the aesthetic effects achieved. 中运用的多角度叙述法和立体主义、未来主义画家们在其作品中所运用之多角度手法相比较,提出了艺术具有其通性,并指出了在作品结构方面及美学效果方面,两者的相似之处。
Futurists agreed that in information society, a large number of labor forces have engaged in the processing and production of different kinds of information. 未来学家们一致认为,在信息社会中,大量的劳动力从事处理和生产各种不同形式的信息。
During that time, the Russian Futurists which is consisted from artists, poets, directly involved in book design and publishing. 在它的发展过程中,俄国的未来主义运动导致了艺术家、诗人直接参与书籍设计,出版刊物。
Since the 1970s, a famous futurists Alvin Toffler bring up the proposition of experience economy, the experience economy theory and practice has attracted extensive attention of the whole society. 自从20世纪70年代著名未来学家阿尔文·托夫勒提出体验经济的命题以来,有关体验经济的理论探讨与实践操作已经引起了社会的广泛关注。