ADJ-GRADED (毛发)柔软卷曲的 Fuzzy hair sticks up in a soft, curly mass.
He had fuzzy black hair and bright black eyes. 他一头柔软卷曲的黑发,眼睛又黑又亮。
ADJ-GRADED 覆有细绒毛的;绒毛状的;毛茸茸的 If something is fuzzy, it has a covering that feels soft and like fur.
...fuzzy material. 绒毛料子
ADJ-GRADED (图片、声音等)不清楚的,模糊的 A fuzzy picture, image, or sound is unclear and hard to see or hear.
A couple of fuzzy pictures have been published. 有几张模糊的照片刊登了出来。
...fuzzy bass lines. 含糊的低音乐段
ADJ-GRADED (人或头脑)稀里糊涂的,迷迷糊糊的 If you or your thoughts are fuzzy, you are confused and cannot think clearly.
He had little patience for fuzzy ideas. 他没什么耐心听那些糊里糊涂的想法。
ADJ-GRADED 不明确的;含混的 You describe something as fuzzy when it is vague and not clearly defined.
The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy. 科学事实和科幻小说之间的界限变得有点儿模糊了。
ADJ (计算机)模糊(逻辑)的 Fuzzy logic is a type of computer logic that is supposed to imitate the way that humans think, for example by adapting to changing circumstances rather than always following the same procedure.
...domestic appliances that also use fuzzy logic to mimic the way a person would do the job manually. 同样使用模糊逻辑模拟手动操作的家用电器
In an increasingly internationalized world, where linguistic and political boundaries become fuzzier daily, locale-dependent character sets are no longer feasible. 在越来越国际化的世界中,语言和政治边界日渐模糊,依赖于地域的字符集不再适用了。
With security broadly restored, Minustah's raison d 'ê tre became fuzzier. 随着安全环境的日益恢复,特派团存在的理由也变得更加含混。
With its fuzzier goals, America's central bank is more vulnerable than some others. 由于联储诸多目标模糊,它可能比其他中央银行更脆弱。
How about making the tags fuzzier, like the keywords? 让标签更模糊些如何,比如关键词?
He has also advocated an engineering approach to Economics: rather than simply proving that something can or cannot be done, his ideas on matching ask fuzzier questions such as "will this work in most cases?" 他还大力倡导在经济学中引入工程学方法:他不是简单地证明某事能做还是不能做,而是在匹配理论上探究更为模糊的问题,例如“这在多数情况下能奏效吗?”
The line between activism and journalism has always been somewhat fuzzy, but has become even fuzzier in the digital age. 企业活动与新闻工作的界限总是有些模糊,进入在数字时代,模糊的趋势就更明显了。
Careful though& the more realistic and tricky you try and get the fuzzier the image may appear if it's destined to reproduce at small size. 但仔细-更为现实和棘手尝试并获得更模糊的图像可能会出现,如果是注定要重现小规模的大小。
But for big business, one researcher argues that "cloud" metaphor may be economically apt: The closer you look at the much-hyped technology's price advantages, the fuzzier they seem. 但对于大型业务来说,一位研究者声称“云”更像是倾向经济上的一种隐喻:你越凑近了观察那些大肆炒作的技术的价格优势,越会发现它有多么的模糊。
However, the lesser level of detail does not necessarily mean that the core idea of each pattern becomes fuzzier 然而,更少的细节并不必然意味着令每个模式的核心概念变得失真
In this model, non-singleton fuzzier was introduced into regular neural network, so that noise could be removed from train data adaptively. 该算法将非单点模糊化技术引入正则神经网络,在自学习的过程中,能够自动滤除训练数据中的噪声,获取准确的信息。
Chinese culture tends to be more implicit than English culture, so the Chinese language is fuzzier than English. 汉文化较英语文化含蓄,因而汉语言也较英语模糊。
This concept compares with singleton fuzzier in most of the literatures, it not only can overcome the input noises, but also has the robustness for the time-delay system. 与大多文献中含单值模糊器的模糊系统相比,该方案不仅能有效地抑制系统的输入噪声,而且对控制作用滞后的时滞系统也有很强的适应能力。
With the development of economy, the enterprise border becomes increasingly fuzzier. Strategy Alliance has gradually become an important cooperative way among different enterprises. 随着经济的发展,企业边界变得越来越模糊,策略联盟已逐渐成为企业间合作的重要方式。
The overall self-value sense is suffused, its abstract degree is the highest, fuzzier too. 总体自我价值感是泛化的价值感,它抽象程度最高,也比较模糊;
According to Lakoff, hedges are words whose job is to make things fuzzier or less fuzzy. Hedges are necessary and irreplaceable in human communications. 据拉科夫认为,模糊限制语指能把事物弄得模模糊糊的词或短语。模糊限制语在人类交际中是基本的不可取代的。