Try closing the explorer application using the navigation keys Alt+ Fx. 试着用导航键ALT+Fx关闭资源管理器应用程序。
He currently stars in the FX comedy series Louie, which he also writes, directs, and edits. 他现居马萨诸塞州的波士顿,当前的节目是FX系列,在这节目当中他也担任了编剧,导演和编辑。
American Horror Story returns to FX in the fall of 2013. 《美国恐怖故事》第三季将会在2013年的秋季档回归FX电视台。
FX, a Fox cable channel, makes good shows such as Fargo. 福克斯旗下的有限电视频道FX,也制作了像《冰风暴》(Fargo)那样的优秀剧集。
Your macroeconomic policy objectives have got to be coherent with your FX policy. 他表示:你的宏观经济政策目标必须与外汇政策目标保持一致。
I don't think there's a product less sexy than FX, he says. 我不认为有什么产品的吸引力会亚于外汇,他说道。
So we did this app, we called it Touch FX. 所以我们做了这个小程序,叫做TouchFX。
Smaller FX dealers may, for example, focus on creating better software to present prices. 例如,规模较小的外汇交易商可能会专注于开发能更好地体现价格的软件。
So If you want the full power of FX and no issues, please buy9 Series motherboards. 所以如果你想要拥有FX的全部实力而没有问题,请买9系主板。
Speculators, traders and sentiments contribute significantly to the volatility of the FX markets. 投机者、交易商和市场信心(sentiments)对外汇交易市场的波动影响巨大。
However, companies which only operate in one country can also be exposed to FX risk, albeit indirectly. 但是,只在一个国家开展经营活动的公司也可能面临外汇风险,虽然是间接风险。
More generally, volatility has been a big driver of FX trends for a few years. 总体而言,波动性这几年一直是外汇市场趋势的主要推动因素。
What on earth is the appropriate volume of FX reserve for china? 我国适度外汇储备究竟应多少?
You'll never have to face a debit balance when you trade FX with us. 当你与我们交易外汇时,你将永远不会面临借方结余。
Every loss for the BoJ is a profit for someone else in the FX market, he says. 日本央行损失的每一分钱,都是外汇市场中其他人的收益,雷彻特蒙表示。
This includes Spot FX transactions and other market activities. 这包括现货外汇交易及其他货币市场运作。
FX heads and traders say hedge funds are giving up trying to make money in currencies and are instead trading interest rates and equities, which are seen as more predictable in the present market environment. 外汇主管和交易员表示,对冲基金正在放弃尝试从外汇交易中赚钱,转而从事利率和股票交易,在当前的市场环境下,利率和股票更容易预测。
How to tackle FX risk of RMB exchange rate regime reform for commercial banks? 商业银行如何应对人民币汇率改革进程中的汇率风险?
If the government is impairing use of other hedging tools like credit default swaps [ through regulation and other restrictions] then FX is the last asset class that would be structurally affected if a government does alter other markets. 如果说政府(通过法规和其他限制措施)削弱了信用违约互换(CDS)等对冲工具的使用,那么外汇将是一种最不可能受到结构性影响的资产类别&前提是政府确实改变了其他市场。
Volatility continues to increase both in FX implied vols and VIX index. 外汇隐含波动和波动率指数在继续增加。
People realised that a lot of dim sum bonds are credit products not just FX products. 人们开始意识到,很多点心债券其实是信贷产品,而不仅是外汇产品。
To conduct an FX trade costs twice as much as it did a year ago. 外汇交易的成本也比一年前增加了一倍。
The lessons learned in FX trading can also be applied to trading other asset classes, such as equities. 从外汇交易中得到的经验还可以应用于交易其它类别的资产,譬如股票。
Traders with foreign countries and clients that have loan commitments overseas can use forward FX as an effective form of risk management. 与外国做生意的商人和在海外有贷款承诺的客户可以将远期外汇用作风险管理的一种有效形式。
By 2030, the renminbi could be one of the most important if not the most important currency and asset class in global finance, across FX, debt, equity and derivative markets. 到2030年,人民币可能会成为国际金融中最重要的货币和资产类别之一(如果不是唯一最重要的话),在外汇、债券、股票和衍生品等各个市场都是如此。
Do you have experience of trading margined product e.g. spot/ forward FX, FX options or futures? 您曾投资过以保证金形式缴付的产品吗,例如现货/期货外汇、外汇选择权或期货?
All companies which engage in foreign trade will be exposed to a certain amount of FX risk. 所有进行国际贸易的公司都会面临一定程度的外汇风险。
It is among Nikon's fastest lenses, and covers film and the full FX frame. 这是尼康中速度最快的镜头,以及包括电影和完整的外汇框架。