
英 [gæfs] 美 [gæfs]

n.  失礼; 失态; 失言


  1. N-COUNT 失态;失礼
    A gaffe is a stupid or careless mistake, for example when you say or do something that offends or upsets people.
    1. He made an embarrassing gaffe at the convention last weekend.
    2. gaffes committed by high-ranking individuals.
  2. 泄露秘密;走漏消息
    If you blow the gaffe or blow the gaff, you tell someone something that other people wanted you to keep secret.


    1. The husband of the Queen of England is notorious for his gaffes while on state visits to other countries.
    2. And management's defenses lack of resources, work loads, communication gaffes are the same excuses they would never accept from their own reports.
    3. If the Republican looks and sounds like an American statesman abroad, and, most important, avoids any obvious gaffes, his tour will have served its purpose.
    4. His six-month premiership has already been rocked by a series of scandals and gaffes.
    5. Aso, who is also Abe's deputy, has form in offending various sections of the electorate, although criticism of his gaffes tends to run like water off aduck's back.
    6. If anything, she is an undiplomat known less for calibrated circumlocutions than for her plain speaking and sometimes her gaffes, a woman who retains both a formidable political constituency and a laugh she once admitted can send cats scurrying from a room.
    7. After two years in Egypt, I had developed a sense of humor about my inevitable social gaffes, but they were still embarrassing.
    8. But Smith crushes Gooden on PER this season, and isn't prone to mental gaffes the way Gooden is.
    9. Aside from basic procedural errors asking to many obvious questions, watching the house too closely the team had made some gaffes that seemed almost beyond belief.
    10. Robertson said that Blatter should resign, particularly given Blatter's repeated gaffes and wider concerns over corruption and corporate governance.
    11. He was modest and charming in private, although visibly ill-at-ease on big public occasions and prone to gaffes and unnecessary controversies.
    12. Translation verification testers are aware of the product metaphors and are capable of quickly reviewing translations in a side by side fashion in order to catch obvious gaffes.
    13. Japanese public opinion was inflamed by a series of gaffes in the days after the death, when Schindler decided not to co-operate fully with local investigators, or even offer apologies, until it had identified the cause of the malfunction.
    14. Early in the campaign, she made a series of foreign-policy gaffes.
    15. In a country ruled by sometimes extraordinarily apathetic politicians, the media has been tenacious in rounding on leaders and exposing their gaffes and insensitivity following the attacks.
    16. This may be a bad characteristic when it comes to landing a top job but, given that gaffes are now the number one way of ending a high-profile career, it is a pretty useful trait for survival.
    17. With confidence in private weather forecasters slipping in the wake of some prediction gaffes during the past couple of years, perhaps woolly worms can take up the slack.
    18. Ms Royal has been damaged by a succession of foreign-policy gaffes in recent weeks, which have lent her campaign an air of amateurism.
    19. First, there were his easily exploited gaffes.
    20. Yet a series of gaffes and surprises on the Republican side, coupled with unexpectedly strong campaigns from their opponents, has diminished their chances.
    21. Graciously overlooking flaws, errors, and gaffes sets a sweetly gracious tone for your relationship.