A gaggle of journalists sit in a hotel foyer waiting impatiently. 一群乱哄哄的记者坐在酒店大堂里焦急地等待着。
The video ad zooms in on a gaggle of green crabs scurrying around under the water, and then a corporate jet taking off with Shanghai in the background. 这支电视广告的镜头先从水下聚焦四散奔逃的绿螃蟹,紧接着是一架商务飞机扶摇直上,离背景中的上海渐行渐远。
Venture capitalists on sandhill road swooned for their attention like a gaggle of girls at a one direction concert. 风险投资人争相对他们进行投资,就像一群痴狂的女歌迷们在英国男子组合OneDirection的演唱会上,完全神魂颠倒。
One afternoon when I was ten. I found myself the leader of an after-school gaggle of boys. 我十岁时的一天下午,发觉得自己成为一群孩子们的头。
But a resident walking past the banner-hanging event admitted she would not have realized the banners were related to the Olympics had it not been for the gaggle of reporters gathered on the sidewalk. 但在条幅悬挂过程中,一位路过的居民表示,如果不是看到成群的记者聚在路边,她根本意识不到这些条幅和奥运会有关。
The real problem is not that men are spending too much money on dates; it's that they're not dating wisely. In the age of online dating and the gaggle of choices out there, truer words were never said. 其实真正的问题时男人在约会时花了太多的钱,而在婚恋网上的选择很多,有诚意的却很少。
My mother was now raising a gaggle of boys on her own. 那时,母亲独自一人抚养着我们几个儿子。
The masses might think that getting to the top of a major finance company while raising a full gaggle of kids is impossible. 人们可能觉得,一边养育一堆子女,一边晋升到一家主要金融公司的最高管理层,这简直是不可能的事。
When I was backpacking through Europe as a college junior, I met a gaggle of American boys who had just finished up their own tour. 当我大三徒步旅行穿越欧洲时我遇到了一群美国男孩。
The farmer rears a gaggle of geese on his farm. 那位农夫在他的农场里饲养了一群鹅。
A gaggle of photographers huddled on the sidewalk beside a swelling crowd of onlookers ( Gioia Diliberto) 一群摄影师拥挤在路边,旁边是一大群旁观者(乔亚迪利贝托)
A little gaggle of hedge fund stars in a corner were doing this particularly effectively, looking swanky and causing much resentment among the comparative paupers who had not jumped ship. 角落里的一小群对冲基金明星把这点做得尤其淋漓尽致。他们看上去非常时髦,令那些没有跳槽的叫花子同辈愤愤不平。
They all burst out laughing, sounding like a gaggle of geese. 她们全都放声大笑,像一群鸭子一样嘎嘎地叫着。
Every summer since we moved to Minnesota, I've taken a gaggle of children to the State Fair in St. 自从我搬到圣保罗后,每年夏天我都会带着一些小朋友去游乐园。
Perhaps it's a silence that suggests there may not be a gaggle of screaming toddlers within earshot? 也许是一种沉默,表明在你听力可及范围内没有一群尖叫不已的小家伙?
Earlier this month a gaggle of Chinese academics arrived in Zimbabwe for a symposium in which the model was lionised. 本月初,一群中国学者抵达津巴布韦参加一个把这种模式奉为圭臬的研讨论。
Either way, Posh's daughter inherits a gaggle of hunky older brothers and one heck of a wardrobe. 不管怎样,维多利亚的小女儿不仅生来就有三位帅哥庇护,还继承了一大衣橱的衣服。
Oral Intake of Lindane by Population in Taiyuan A gaggle of photographers huddled on the sidewalk beside a swelling crowd of onlookers ( Gioia Diliberto) 太原地区食物中的林丹残留与人群摄食暴露一群摄影师拥挤在路边,旁边是一大群旁观者(乔亚迪利贝托)
A gaggle of photographers and journalists met their car kerbside and her husband was whisked away to a press conference. 一群摄影师和记者围住了他们停在路边的车,她丈夫随即被带往记者招待会。
Almost as soon as crop circles became public knowledge, they attracted a gaggle of self-appointed experts. 麦田圈刚一被大众知晓立刻就吸引了一大群喧闹的自封专家。
Instead, this gaggle of leading financiers called for a new reserve currency, akin to an old-style gold standard. 相反,这群重要的金融家呼吁设立一种类似于传统金本位的新的储备货币。
We form a mutual admiration society, he told a gaggle of bemused journalists, tongue imperviously lodged in Gallic cheek, so whatever the Bank of Japan suggests is necessarily the best way of doing it. 我们是一个互相赏识的协会,他带着高卢式的幽默向一群困惑的记者表示。因此,日本央行的任何提议一定是最好的方式。
I watched the budding lawyers play cricket on the beach, a gaggle of boys, not yet men, burdens of life resting lightly on their shoulders. 我在一旁看着这些初露头角的律师们在沙滩上打板球。对这一群还称不上是男人的小伙子们而言,他们肩上的生活负担还很轻。
I can't stop. there's a gaggle of perverts. 我现在有事,那有一帮变态。