Overall, there were more losers than gainers 总的来看,输家比赢家多。
Tuesday's notable gainer was Sony, which reached a high of 9,070 yen. 星期二的大赢家为索尼公司,其股票上涨至9,070日元的高点。
Rim switched from being a consistent net gainer of users to a consistent net loser of users in October 2010. 从2010年10月开始,黑莓手机生产商RIM从用户持续净增长转为用户持续净流失。
The greatest boost goes to the consumer, precisely the sector that had been lagging: not for nothing was Walmart, the biggest US retailer, the strongest gainer on the US stock market on Friday. 消费者行业受到的推动最大,准确地说是那些表现一直拖后腿的行业:美国最大的零售商沃尔玛(Walmart)上周五成为美国股市涨幅最大的股票不是没有原因的。
But Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer says he does not think it is a good idea for members of Congress to carry guns for personal protection. 不过,国会纠仪长特伦斯。盖纳尔说,他不认为国会议员带枪自卫是个好主意。
Or you can get Fancy and do a Full Gainer with a Half Twist. 或者你也可以选择花式跳,来个反身翻腾一周加半转体。
I am the gainer by our personal friendship. 通过我们私人的友谊我获益非浅。
Laptop, valued at RMB4999,60 in total, the gainer list is drawn out by lucky draw. 笔记本电脑,价值4999元,全国60台,获奖者名单由抽奖产生。
Which country is the biggest gainer from the creation of the eurozone? 哪个国家是创建欧元区最大的受益者?
The authors distinguish between three types of high-level gainer. 两位作者对3类高收入群体进行了区分。
He points out that Brazil was the biggest gainer in the MSCI Emerging Markets Index in 2009. 梅勒指出,在2009年,巴西是摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(msciemergingmarketindex)中最大的赢家。
The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up 3.2%, where General Motors was the biggest percentage gainer, rising 18%. 道琼斯工业平均指数报升3.2%,通用汽车跃升18%,为按百分比计算升幅最大的股份。
That country, however, in whose cargoes there is the greatest proportion of native, and the least of foreign goods, will always be the principal gainer. 但是,国产商品占交换品最大部分而外国货物占交换品最小部分的国家,总是主要的利得者。
The gainer of 2001 Nobel economics award Stiglitz believe that: there are two things that will influence the process and change the facial feature of the world, one is the development of the high technology of the USA, another is the progress of urbanization of China. 2001年诺贝尔经济奖获得者斯蒂格列茨认为,21世纪影响世界进程和改变世界面貌的有两件事:一是美国高科技的发展;二是中国的城市化进程。
A T-S fuzzy model's rules also can be used to describe a static forecast gainer or a dynamic compensator. 一个T-S模型规则库也可以用来描述一个静态预测增益器或动态补偿器。
P2P network known as peer-to-peer, network participants are not only services and content providers, but also gainer of those resources. P2P称为对等网络,网络中的参与者既是服务和内容的提供者,又是资源获取者。
According to the operation of the system, the other three gainers are arranged, in their logical relation, as follows: the infrastructure system gainer, the transportation system gainer and the consumer gainer. 按系统运作过程来看,剩余三大利益主体的排列的逻辑关系为基础系统、运输系统、用户系统。
The original gainer of Performance Rights is natural person, judicial person and other organizations only be the successive person. 表演者权利的原始取得的主体只能为自然人,法人和其他组织只能成为表演者权的继受主体。
Based on the difference of the governance profit gainer, the metropolitan area governance profit could be divided into government profit, enterprise profit, and social profit. 根据管治收益主体不同,大都市区管治的收益包括政府收益、企业收益和社会收益。
The interrelations between the national economic gainer and the traffic transportation system are mainly shown in the value movements of the national economic industries related to the structure of the traffic transportation system, and some qualitative analysis about this has been done in the paper. 国民经济利益主体与交通运输系统之间的利益联系主要体现在与交通运输系统结构相关的国民经济产业的价值运动上,论文对此作了定性的分析。
a dive in which the diver throws the feet forward to complete a full backward somersault and enters the water feet first and facing away from the diving board