College graduates aren` t the only ones taking to their keyboards to find a new job. China` s gainfully employed are also using microblogs to seek bigger and better opportunities. 想通过轻敲键盘来寻找新工作的人不单单只是大学毕业生们而已,在职人士也想通过微博来寻求更多更好的工作机会。
If you plan to stay gainfully employed, you better complement that humanities degree with some applicable technical chops. 如果你想继续被高薪聘用,你最好用一些适用的技术印章来补充你的人文学科学位。
While there can be a tremendous amount of pressure to rejoin the ranks of the gainfully employed, experts recommend that seekers try to curb desperation. 尽管重新成为有工作一族能带来巨大的压力,但专家们建议求职者要尽量遏制自己的求职绝望感。
Clearly there was nothing that could gainfully be said. 显然,说什么都没有用了。
His estate continues to keep lawyers gainfully employed even seven years after his death. 他的产业甚至在他死后七年仍使律师们从中获利。
There's nothing else which can be gainfully said on the matter. 在这件事上,没有其他什么有用的话好说了。
Meanwhile, you need to accept a part-time job to keep yourself gainfully employed. 同时,你也需要给自己找份业余工作以保证自己有所收入。
At the time of the incidents, she was gainfully employed, working in a local food processing plant. 在上述事件发生时,她是就业,在当地的食品加工厂工作。
And a son-in-law gainfully employed, and very often, out oftown on business. 和一个有钱的女婿,他经常出差。
Serial murderers often have families and homes, are gainfully employed, and appear to be normal members of the community. 他们通常都有家室、有住房、有份报酬不错的工作,看起来跟其他社会成员没什么两样。
Did I feel guilty about not being gainfully employed when I was qualified and capable? 作为一个有执业资格的教师,当我够资格有能力但没被高薪聘用时,我会觉得惭愧吗?