From the seventeenth-century empire of Sweden, the story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in1628 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea. 1628年,瑞典王国一艘大帆船在处女航刚起程时就沉没海底,这个发生于17世纪的沉船故事堪称海难奇闻之一。
Galleon Group founder Rajaratnam and executives from major American companies were charged on Friday with the largest hedge fund insider-trading scheme ever. 帆船基金创立者拉贾拉特南和一些美国大公司的经理周五因迄今最大的内幕交易安排而被指控。
They were six days following Bar's galleon and brought her to battle on the seventh. 他们追赶巴尔的大帆船六天六夜,第七天逼得他交战。
After eight weeks of trial, and another 12 days of deliberations, the jury in the insider trading case against Raj Rajaratnam, co-founder of the Galleon group hedge fund, finally returned its verdict: guilty on all fourteen counts. 经过8周庭审外加12天仔细商议后,拉贾拉贾那纳姆(rajrajaratnam)内幕交易案的陪审团终于做出了裁决:这位帆船集团(galleongroup)对冲基金联合创始人的所有14项罪名均告成立。
Morgan Stanley, which regularly counted galleon as one of its top-five hedge fund clients, and Goldman Sachs were the leading provider of hedge-fund services or prime brokerage to Galleon. 高盛(goldmansachs)、以及经常将帆船基金视为自己前五位对冲基金客户的摩根士丹利(morganstanley)都是为该基金提供对冲基金服务(机构经纪业务)的主要供应商。
The Spanish galleon never resurfaced. 那艘西班牙帆船再也没有浮出水面。
The Galleon hedge fund at the centre of an insider trading scandal paid hundreds of millions of dollars a year to its Wall Street banks and regularly received market information in return that would not have been disclosed to most investors, executives familiar with the matter say. 据知情高管表示,处于内幕交易丑闻中心的对冲基金帆船集团(galleon),每年向华尔街银行支付数亿美元,以定期获取不会向大多数投资者公开的市场信息作为回报。
Called Sirena, it made use of the kitchen of a defunct canteen-adding a dining room in the style of a wooden galleon, plus a vertiginous glass floor with an aquarium below. 这个餐厅原是个废弃不用的食堂,诺维科夫在此基础上将其改装成了一个外观酷似木制大帆船的餐厅,还在令人晕眩的玻璃地板下面加了一个小小的“水族馆”。
Although bank policies often prohibit employees from divulging specific information about orders, executives who dealt with galleon said it regularly received "colour" on market developments, frequently delivered in the slang of Wall Street traders. 尽管银行政策常常禁止员工泄露有关交易的具体信息,但与帆船基金打过交道的高管们表示,该基金定期会收到有关市场动态的“颜色”,通常都是用华尔街交易员的行话送达的。
Mr naftalis may also point to other people Mr Rajaratnam knew and spoke to at Goldman, where galleon was considered a top-tier client. 纳夫塔利斯可能还会指出拉贾那纳姆在高盛认识和致电的其他人,帆船在高盛被视为顶级客户。
A large galleon sailed in the Mediterranean as a merchantman. 商用的航行在密西西比河的大的帆船。
One executive who dealt with Galleon said: They wanted anything the public did not have. 一位与帆船基金打过交道的高管表示:他们想要一切不为公众所知的信息。
During the trial, jurors heard how galleon insiders sought to add to their network and deepen their connections to corporations. 在审讯期间,陪审员听到了帆船集团内部人士是如何扩大关系网,并加深与各公司的联系的。
Mr Goffer, who previously worked at Galleon, was known as the Octopussy within the insider trading ring due to his reputation for having his arms in so many sources of inside information, the SEC said in its complaint. 美国证交会在它的诉状中表示,由于高佛尔在众多内幕信息来源中都伸有触角的名声,他在内幕交易圈内曾有八爪人之称。高佛尔先前供职于帆船集团。
Their ties were fodder for bragging rights between the Galleon boss and MS chiesi. 他们的关系成了帆船基金老板和基耶西炫耀的资本。
If I had a galleon for every man I've had who didn't um you know, I'd be twice as rich as I am. 要是每个跟我说话的人说话时不带个'呃'字儿,你知道的,那我怕是比现在还要富上两倍。
Prosecutors plan to play recordings of phone calls between Mr Rajaratnam and two of his galleon employees: Ian Horowitz, a trader, and David Lau, a Singapore-based portfolio manager. 检方计划播放拉贾那纳姆与他在帆船的两位员工的电话录音:交易员伊恩霍罗威茨(ianhorowitz)和新加坡资产组合经理刘清发(davidlau)。
As in the Galleon case, investigators used court-authorised wire taps of cell phones, hidden recording devices and information from confidential informants to build the case against at least seven of the new defendants named yesterday. 与帆船集团的案件一样,调查人员在法庭的授权下,使用手机窃听、暗藏录音装置和秘密线民提供的信息,针对昨日指名的至少7名新被告人进行取证。
A former Goldman executive who provided services to funds including Galleon said: They were tough and aggressive. 一位曾为帆船等基金提供过服务的前高盛高管表示:他们坚韧不拔、咄咄逼人。
Tomorrow a galleon sets sail for naples. 明天将有一艘帆船开往纳普斯。
Mr Gupta benefited, the SEC alleges, through his investment in a galleon fund that had stakes in other galleon funds that profited by the trades. 证交会指控称,古普塔通过投资于帆船集团的一只基金获利该基金持有从内幕交易中获利的其它帆船基金的股份。
Richard Schutte, a former president of galleon and witness for the defence, even refused to agree with a prosecutor that investors want investment managers to make good returns. 被告证人、帆船集团(galleon)前总裁理查德舒特(richardschutte),甚至不同意检察官的观点,即投资者希望投资经理为他们取得良好回报。
Mr Rajaratnam was clearly not worried about getting caught since the Galleon hedge fund had a mass of legitimate information and research. 帆船(galleon)对冲基金有大量合法的信息和研究数据,因此拉贾那纳姆显然并不担心被抓到。
Goldman, Morgan Stanley and a galleon representative declined to comment. 高盛、摩根士丹利和一名帆船基金代表均拒绝置评。
After 12 days of deliberation, the jury of eight women and four men issued their verdict on Wednesday, convicting the former head of galleon group on all 14 counts of securities fraud and conspiracy. 经过12天的商议,由8名女性4名男性组成的陪审团周三公布了判决结果,判处对冲基金帆船集团(galleongroup)前总裁14项证券欺诈与共谋罪名全部成立。
Galleon, which had about$ 7bn in assets at its peak, paid large amounts to banks because it specialised in short-term trading strategies, which put its officials in close and frequent contact with Wall Street traders and salespeople. 帆船基金之所以向银行支付大笔资金,原因在于该公司专注于短线交易策略,这使得其高级职员与华尔街交易员和销售人员联系紧密且频繁。在巅峰时代,帆船公司拥有约70亿美元资产。
The serial numbers of the fake Galleon would change to show the date and time of the upcoming session and the Galleon would become warm. 假加隆上的编号会改变以显示下次聚会的日期和时间,时间改变的同时假加隆还会发热。
With the opening of China-Philippine-Mexico sea route for Great Galleon Trade with Yue Port in Zhangzhou as the starting-point, Manila as the midpoint and Acapulco as the destination, Fujian had served as a bridge in the economic-cultural exchange between China and Latin-America. 由于以漳州月港为起点,马尼拉为中点,阿卡普尔科为终点的中国菲律宾墨西哥的大帆船贸易航路的开辟,福建在中国与拉丁美洲经济文化交流中发挥了桥梁作用。
Secondly, the Catholic missionaries came to Fujian along the sea route for Great Galleon Trade, expanding the religious-cultural exchange between both sides. 其次,天主教传教士沿着大帆船贸易航路来到福建,扩大了双方的宗教文化交流。
Fujian and the Sino-Latin-American Exchange in the Times of Great Galleon Trade 福建与大帆船贸易时代的中拉交流