
美 [ˈgæləs]

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  1. The second name is a portmanteau: Gallo is derived from the Latin word for rooster, gallus, while pavo is the Latin word for peacock.
  2. The results showed that stretcher power sprayer and power mist-sprayer and gallus power sprayer had no influences on bioactivity of the biocontrol strain.
  3. Any of various birds of the order Galliformes, especially the common, widely domesticated chicken ( Gallus gallus).
  4. Most authorities have considered that the origins of the domestic chicken ( Gallus domesticus) were the Red Jungle Fowl of Asia.
  5. The microvascular architecture of the small intestinal villi of Gallus gallus domesticus was investigated by the injection method with which gelatin mixed ink.
  6. Normal style: exposure suit is designed with a sharp-angled or ring neckline, collocated with gallus trousers or apron, with free breath holes covering back and oxter; or dust coat.
  7. The primitive Bambusicola was squeezed by Gallus to South China;
  8. Results The posture of the extremities, quality and width of gallus and fixation of gallus during the treatment of HIFU was closely related with the postural injury.
  9. The Polymorphism Study on the Gallus mtDNA Control Region Partly Sequences
  10. AIM: To explore the effect of dietary nucleic acid on the serum uric acid level in the SPF class gallus domesticated chicken.
  11. The quality of the gallus was well endured with strength, the connection was fastness, and the slide fastener and agraffe was made of metals with well qualities.
  12. Genomic analysis of Gallus gallus adenylosuccinate lyase gene revealed a gene of about 20 kb containing 13 exons that is in accordance with human and murine ADSL genes.
  13. Genetic diversity of red jungle fowl in China ( Gallus gallus spadiceus) and red jungle fowl ( Gallus gallus gallus) in Thailand
  14. The geometry of the tight junction networks linking the epithelial and endothelial cells of the small intestine of Gallus domestica was observed using freeze-etching techniques.
  15. Angioarchitecture of the Pancreas in Gallus gallus domesticus A Scanning Electron Microscopy of Vascular Casts
  16. The oil was one of the main nutritional components in the Black-bone silky fowl ( Gallus gellus demesticus brissen), and its composition of fatty acids was the contributing factor to the flavor.
  17. After the invasion into new environment, the common ancestors of Bambusicola and Gallus rapidly diverged from Francolinus;
  18. Narrow Web Printing, the Leader of Green Printing
  19. Gallus gallus domesticus of sweet flat, owned by the spleen and stomach, small intestine, the bladder.
  20. Conclusion: 1. To determine the best processing technology Gallus gallus domesticus, for the verification experiment, the experimental results are consistent.
  21. Ten batches of different origin and their processed products Gallus gallus domesticus impurities, moisture, ash, extract, etc. were measured, initially developed Gallus gallus domesticus and their processed products quality standards. Results: 1.
  22. Gallus gallus domesticus can be used to evaluate and control the quality of its sand hot product.
  23. Ovotransferrin ( OVT) is one of the five major allergenic proteins identified in the egg of the domestic chicken ( Gallus domesticus), and has the second amount in egg white. It can be recognized by 22% of egg-allergic patients.
  24. But Gallus gallus domesticus as a horny, with the surface oily, fishy taste, very tough texture, the active ingredient is difficult to fry the other shortcomings.
  25. Gallus gallus domesticus hot sand processing technology reliable and repeatable.
  26. Gallus gallus domesticus polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and their processed products, not only the number of different bands, and the extent of the bands of color difference is there.



  1. elastic straps that hold trousers up (usually used in the plural)

      Synonym:    bracesuspender