The economy was still going gangbusters 经济依然保持着强劲的发展势头。
The team, who struggled early, came on like gangbusters at precisely the right time. 该队前面打得很艰难,但就在关键时刻拼出了士气。
• the worldwide tablet market is growing like gangbusters, with shipments up 88.9% from Q1 to Q2 and 303.8% year over year. •全球平板电脑市场正在迅猛增长,从第一季度到第二季度,发货量上涨了88.9%,同比增长了303.8%。
The November 2011 IPO went gangbusters, valuing the company at$ 12.7 billion. 2011年11月,Groupon的IPO进行得非常成功,公司估值达到127亿美元。
So your applesauce is selling like gangbusters and you figure: Why not raise the price and bank a few more bucks? Be careful: It's much harder to jack prices than it is to lower them; 看来你的苹果酱卖疯了,你开始琢磨:为什么不提价再多赚些?小心点:提价比降价难地多;
"iMac is going gangbusters," Mr. Jobs says. 乔布斯先生说:iMac前途无量。
Children's clothes were selling like gangbusters. 小孩子的衣服卖得很好。