n. (住宅旁或周围的)园圃,花园,果园,菜园; 庭园; 园子; 公园 v. 做园艺工作; 种植花木 garden的第三人称单数和复数
N-COUNT (住宅旁的)花园,菜园,庭园,园子(美国英语中表示此义时常用yard,而garden仅用来指花园和菜园) In British English, a garden is a piece of land next to a house, with flowers, vegetables, other plants, and often grass. In American English, the usual word is yard, and a garden refers only to land which is used for growing flowers and vegetables.
...the most beautiful garden on Earth. 世界上最漂亮的花园
VERB 干园艺活;种植花木 If you garden, you do work in your garden such as weeding or planting.
Jim gardened at the homes of friends on weekends. 吉姆周末帮忙打理朋友家的花园。
N-PLURAL 公园 Gardens are places like a park that have areas of plants, trees, and grass, and that people can visit and walk around.
The Gardens are open from 10.30am until 5pm. 公园从上午10点半到下午5点之间开放。
...Kensington Gardens. 肯辛顿公园
N-IN-NAMES (用于街名)园,街,广场 Gardens is sometimes used as part of the name of a street.
During her course she worked on attachment for six months at Kew Gardens 在上学期间,她曾临时到基尤植物园工作了6个月。
In gardens, cankers are most prominent on apples and pear trees. 花园里,苹果树和梨树患枯枝病最明显。
My conception of a garden was based on gardens I had visited in England 我对花园的概念是基于我在英格兰观赏过的花园。
The planting of winter and spring-flowering bulbs will supply colourful decoration at a time when most gardens are looking fairly desolate. 栽种冬春季节开花的鳞茎植物可以在大多数花园看上去还比较萧索的时候提供多彩的装点。
The spacious gardens are a special feature of this property 大花园是这处房产的特色。
The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens 泳池周围都是栽种热带花卉的花园。
He lives at 9, Acacia Gardens. 他住在金合欢街9号。
Small gardens can be high maintenance. 小花园可能需要耗费很多精神打理。
We wash our cars and hose our gardens without even thinking of the water that uses. 我们洗车和浇灌花园时根本就没有想过用了多少水。
You will be able to stroll at leisure through the gardens 您可在花园里闲逛。
Claire looked longingly at the sunlit gardens outside the window. 克莱尔望着窗外洒满阳光的花园,内心充满渴望。
It was just one of those lovely old English gardens. 那正是一个那种古老的英式花园,非常迷人。
The beautifully landscaped gardens sprawl with lush vegetation. 一个个花园打扮得煞是好看,到处是绿茵茵的植被。
The palace has extensive gardens, a maze, and tennis courts. 这座宫殿有几座大花园、一处迷宫和几个网球场。
The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl. 在开罗不断扩张的都市版图内,这些被悉心照料的花园成了一片世外桃源。
Well, the daffodils are out in the gardens and they're always a beautiful show. 哎呀,花园里的黄水仙开了,它们永远都是一道亮丽的风景。
Its beautiful gardens and parkland are also open to the public 它漂亮的花园和绿地也向公众开放。
The car ploughed through three gardens and flattened a tree. 小轿车轰然穿过3个花园,还碾倒了一棵树。
If you are a regular reader of Homes& Gardens you will know what an invaluable source of inspiration it is 如果你常读《家和花园》杂志的话,就会知道它是一个多么宝贵的灵感源泉。
At first sight it resembles a traditional village of two-storeyed, balconied houses, set among well-tended gardens. 乍一看,它就像个传统的村庄:带阳台的两层楼房坐落于精心照料的花园中。
Martin helped his father dig the water gardens out by hand. Thus he discovered his interest in gardening. 马丁亲手帮他父亲修建起了水景园,就这样对园艺产生了兴趣。
We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens. 我们漫步经过泉水叮咚的喷泉和芬芳四溢的花园。
The neighbours 'gardens were trim and neat. 邻居们的花园整洁美观。
Gardens on the windward side of a hill receive more rain than those on the lee side. 山坡向风面的花园比背风面的雨水多。
I think if I went to look at more gardens, I would be better on planning and designing them 我觉得如果我更多地去看一些花园,就有可能更好地规划和设计它们。
Town gardens are ideal because they produce flowers nearly all year round 城市公园是理想去处,那里几乎一年四季鲜花盛开。
Suzhou is celebrated for her beautiful gardens. 苏州以其美丽的园林而闻名。
The gardens outside are specially cool and interesting. Trees afford a magnificent view. 野外花园,殊有情趣,树木蔚为大观。