Despite how quickly the attack was warned off by the cat, Jeremy still had deep gashes and chunks of skin torn off. It was lucky he only needed stitches. 尽管恶狗袭击事件被猫咪迅速制止了,但是杰里米仍然被咬了很深的伤口、并有大块皮肤被撕裂,幸好他只需要缝针就可以了。
His hair was longer than Harry had ever seen it: He appeared to have suffered several gashes to his face and his clothes were ripped and torn. 他的头发比哈利以前见过的任何时候都长,脸上似乎划了几道口子,衣服被撕扯得不像样子。
Using lab-grown muscle could one day help people with certain muscle injuries, including accident victims with big gashes that lead to significant scar tissue. 有朝一日,利用从实验室培育的肌肉可能能够帮到有某些肌肉创伤的人,比如因为大伤口而长出明显瘢痕组织的事故受害者。
By the time the snow melted and the rains of spring swept in, every boy in Kabul bore telltale horizontal gashes on his fingers from a whole winter of fighting kites. 等到雪花融化、春雨绵绵,喀布尔每个孩子的手指上,都会有一些横切的伤口,那是斗了一个冬天的风筝留下的证据。
The classmates 'hearts ached for him and they begged him to wear gloves to prevent any more gashes. 同学们都心疼他,劝他干活时戴上手套,免得再弄破手。
The pits between the vessels and rays are mixed pits, pits with transverse gashes and scalariform pits. 导管射线间纹孔式为混合型纹孔与横列刻痕状纹孔以及梯状穿孔。