垫圈;密封垫;衬垫 A gasket is a flat piece of soft material that you put between two joined surfaces in a pipe or engine in order to make sure that gas and oil cannot escape.
Affix the teflon film over the diaphragm and gasket area. 将铁氟龙膜固定在膜片及垫圈区域上方。
Coat edges of plug and core hole with Mopar Gasket Maker, or equivalent. 用Mopar垫圈油或等效产品涂抹活塞和芯孔边缘。
Our standard gasket is double jacketed metal. 我们标准的垫圈是双重封装的金属。
The urethane liner extends over the flange face to serve as the valve's flange gasket. 这种氨基甲酸乙酯延展覆盖到法兰表面,起到阀门法兰衬垫的作用。
Press high-pressure pump completely into rubber gasket and rotate to the limit position. 将高压泵完全压入橡胶垫片并旋转到极限位置。
All interior surfaces exposed to piped liquid are stainless steel. Full stainless gasket surfaces. 所有与管道输送液体接触的内部表面都是不锈钢。全不锈钢密封垫表面。
I think I just pulled a gasket. 我想我有个垫圈拉伤了。
The male and female joint confines the gasket O.D and I.D. 这种外螺纹和内螺纹连接限制了垫圈的外径和内径。
Remove and replace the O-ring and gasket. 拆卸和更换o形环和垫圈。
Manufacturer shall confirm suitability of the gasket for pressure rating, and service conditions specified in purchase order. 制造商应确定定购单中所规定压力等级以及使用情况所对应垫片的适用性。
The bottom bolts will help locate gasket and hold it in position. 底部螺栓有助于对垫片进行定位,并保持恰当的位置。
Valves in these classes are also available with spiral wound gasket bonnet joints when specified. 如果用户要求,对于这些压力等级的阀门,我们也可以提供螺旋盘绕垫圈阀盖连接。
The gasket face of the flange should squarely contact the face of the mating flange. 法兰垫圈面应该与配套法兰面均匀接触。
Take out the rubber gasket from the tank. 从液箱中取出橡胶垫片。
Mechanical joint in which sealing is obtained by applying pressure to the gasket by gland. 机械式连接采用使用压盖的方法向密封垫片施加压力获得密封效果。
The hard sealing gasket also can absorb the noise and vibration. ⑵密封垫圈也可吸收噪音及振动。
In order for the flange joint to maintain a gasket seal. 为使法兰连接保持良好的垫片固定密封。
If a gasket's loose, it's garbage. 如果垫圈松了,那就是垃圾了。
Gasket is a major element which connects the pipe and flange. 密封件作为管道和设备法兰连接的主要元件,对密封起重要作用。
The design of a gasket blanking, punching mold. 本次设计了一套垫片的落料、冲孔模具。
A spring gasket is also arranged between the flat gasket and the nut. 在平垫圈和螺母之间还装有弹簧垫圈。
Nozzle projections are from the vessel centerline to the gasket face of flange. 喷嘴设计是从容器中心线到法兰密封面。
Gasket system is made of double-layered, closed cellular neoprene, with stainless steel O-rings for attaching gloves. 衬垫系统由双层密闭氯丁橡胶组成,带有不锈钢O型环以附带在手套箱上。
A two-layer NBR surface coated stainless metal gasket is used to improve durability and reliability. 一个两层不锈钢金属表面涂覆丁腈橡胶垫片用于提高耐久性和可靠性。
The gasket manufacturer shall specify jointing compounds to match the gasket characteristics. 垫片制造商应该对和垫片特征相符的密封剂进行说明。
Treatment of lids and covers of chemical containers prior to gasket material application or printing. 治疗眼睑,涵盖化学容器之前,垫片材料的应用程序或打印。
The special case of the circular gasket isalso discussed in more detail. 并对圆形垫圈的特殊情形做了详细讨论。
The electric heating apparatus comprises an electric heating tube, plug and a sealing gasket. 电热装置仅由电热管、插头和密封垫组成,结构简单。
The gasket material for the vacuum has melted and was not made for high temperatures. 真空密封垫圈材料被熔化,并不是采用耐高温材料;