The celebrated necromancer of the energy market rose to fame in 2007, when he gate-crashed the Forbes 400 richest Americans list as the youngest billionaire in the nation. 阿诺德是能源市场上著名的“法师”,2007年,他入选福布斯美国400富豪榜单,成为美国最年轻的亿万富翁,从此便名声大振。
You gate-crashed one year, right? 听说有一年你没拿到票就混进场了,真的吗?
You are sometimes at night an impatient man. His friends gate-crashed at very late hours of the night. 您在半夜里有时候很烦躁。他的朋友们在半夜三更不请自来。
His friends gate-crashed at very late hours of the night. 他的朋友们在半夜三更不请自来。