The HKSAR plays an active role in the WTO to ensure the proper functioning of the GATS and progressive liberalisation of trade in services. 香港特区在世贸担当积极角色,确保服务贸易总协定妥善运作,服务贸易逐步自由化。
It is very important that as the world is advancing technologically, Unions must also WADE IN, not only on GATS but also on ICT. 当世界科技蓬勃发展时,工会也必须跟进,不仅是在服务业关贸总协定(GATS),在资讯电信科技上也需要进步。
I love gats, if rap was a gun, you wouldn't bust back. 我爱枪械,如果说唱是一把枪,你不会有反击的机会。
"Prudential Carve-out" authorizes WTO members to take prudential measures irrespective of other provisions of GATS, and thus constitutes the safety valve for the opening of Chinas financial sector. “审慎例外”授权WTO的成员方为审慎目的采取审慎措施,而不受GATS其他规定的羁绊,是我国金融开放的安全阀。
E. Relationship with the balance-of-payments provisions of GATT 1994 and GATS E.与GATT1994和GATS国际收支条款的关系
Conflicts and Coordination between Service Trade Liberalization and Environmental Protection under the Framework of GATS 论GATS框架下服务贸易自由化与环境保护的冲突与协调
The Council for Trade in Services shall oversee the functioning of the General Agreement on Trade in Services ( hereinafter referred to as "GATS"). 服务贸易理事会应监督《服务贸易总协定》(下称“GATS”)的实施情况。
GATT and GATS are the foundation in which the details concerning the free trade agreement are further developed. 自由贸易协议的细则在关贸总协定和服务贸易总协定的基础上继续发展。
Some members of the working party also stated that the administrative actions subject to review should also include any actions required to be reviewed under the relevant provisions of the TRIPS Agreement and the gats. 一些工作组成员还表示,接受审查的行政行为还应包括根据《trips协定》和gats有关规定要求进行审查的任何行为。
Study of GATS Algorithm for Multi-Satellite TT& C Scheduling Problem 多星测控调度问题的禁忌遗传算法研究
On the Commitments and Tendency of Natural Person Movement under GATS 论GATS下自然人流动的承诺与发展
Providing distribution services would be done in accordance with China's Schedule of Specific Commitments under the GATS. 提供分销服务将依照中国在GATS项下的具体承诺减让表进行。
Moreover, WTO Members would have recourse to WTO dispute settlement to ensure implementation of all commitments in China's GATS schedule. 此外,WTO成员可诉诸WTO争端解决以保证中国服务贸易减让表中的所有承诺得到实施。
The US could argue that Beijing's censorship in effect discriminated against foreign services such as Google, contrary to its commitments under the General Agreement on Trade in Services ( Gats). 美方可以主张,北京方面的审查,实际上是在歧视谷歌这样的国外服务,这与中国在《服务贸易总协定》(Gats)中的承诺相悖。
Studies on Legal Issues of Foreign Access to China's Higher Education under the GATS Framework GATS框架下我国高等教育外资准入法律问题研究
New optimization GATS algorithm method used in text features subsets 一种新的应用于文本特征子集优化的GATS算法
Amendments to parts iv, V and VI of GATS and the respective annexes shall take effect for all members upon acceptance by two thirds of the members. 对gats第四部分、第五部分和第六部分及相应附件的修正,经成员的三分之二多数接受后,应对所有成员生效。
The Economic Impacts of the Movement of Natural Persons under the GATS and Its Liberalization: Micro-perspective GATS下自然人流动及其自由化的经济影响:微观视角
International Services Trade and GATS: Quality and Aim 国际服务贸易法与《服务贸易总协定》:特质与宗旨
Developing Countries 'Views on the Liberalization of Presence of Natural Person under GATS Framework GATS框架下自然人流动自由化:发展中国家观点
The Legal Issues of Offshore Outsourcing Services for China under the Framework of GATS GATS框架下我国发展离岸服务外包的法律问题
Research on Market Access System of International Telecommunications Services under GATS GATS下国际电信服务贸易的市场准入制度研究
The establishments of World Trade Organization and General Agreement on Trade in Service have normalized the operation on international trade services, and promoted the development of international trade services. 世界贸易组织(WTO)的建立和《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)的签署,规范了国际服务贸易的运作,促进了国际服务贸易的发展。
In order to regulate trade in services WTO achieved the General Agreements on Trade in Services ( GATS). 为了规范服务贸易,世界贸易组织达成了《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)。
Finally, the author introduces the "new transnationalism" and the impacts on the international higher education market. 最后,作者介绍了“新跨国主义”&学术机构的跨国流动,并分析了服务贸易总协定(GATS)的实施可能对世界高等教育市场产生的影响。
First, generalize the GATS and the opening situation of shipping market in China. 首先概括了服务贸易总协定与我国航运市场开放情况;
This part mainly does some research on the general duties and concrete promises of electronic commerce in GATS. 其中主要研究了GATS中有关电子商务的一般义务和具体承诺。
GATS TRIMS and TRIPS are three main agreements in WTO about foreign investment. WTO规则对于外商投资的协议主要有《服务贸易总协定》、《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》以及《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》。
The two important WTO agreements GATT and GATS have incorporated into the public morals exception. 之后在WTO的两个重要协定GATT和GATS中相继纳入了公共道德例外条款。