N-COUNT (法官、拍卖人、会议主席等用的)小木槌 A gavel is a small wooden hammer that the person in charge of a law court, an auction, or a meeting bangs on a table to get people's attention.
'Let's take a ten-minute recess', the judge said, pounding his gavel. “现在休庭10分钟。”法官敲了一记木槌说道。
'Let's take a ten-minute recess', the judge said, pounding his gavel. “现在休庭10分钟。”法官敲了一记木槌说道。
Friends and family of the Fujii couple followed closely behind the rickshaws on foot, arriving at the divorce mansion for a ceremony where the Fujiis smashed their wedding ring with a gavel, a gesture signifying the end of their partnership. 藤井夫妇的家人和朋友紧跟着两人乘坐的人力车步行前往离婚公馆参加典礼。在典礼上,藤井夫妇用一个木槌将结婚戒指砸毁,宣告两人关系的结束。
The gavel has a frog's head as frogs symbolize change in Japanese culture. 这把木槌上有一个青蛙头雕饰,因为在日本文化中青蛙象征着改变。
In theory, Europe has a spot at the top in which a real leader might sit and wield some gavel of authority, clarity, and resolute power& and that is the high office of President of the European Commission. 理论上欧洲有一个最高职位,一位真正的领袖可以在这个位置上施展权威,廓清迷雾,行使绝对权力&这个职位就是欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)主席一职。
Liu Lanfang gave one beat of the gavel and began his storytelling. 刘兰芳把醒木一敲,开始说书了。
When a bottle of wine costs more at an auction than an undergraduate education at Harvard, some hear alarm bells ringing alongside the rap of the auctioneer's gavel. 当一瓶红酒的拍卖价格超过一个哈佛本科生的学费时,随着拍卖商的一槌定音,某些人也同时听到了警钟。
The auctioneer laid down his gavel "I'm sorry, the auction is over". 那拍卖经纪人放下他的槌子说:很抱歉,竞标已经结束了。
Many conferences give the gavel to the delegate recognized by the dais as the best in that committee; 很多会议都把委员会中使用过的槌赠与主席团选出的该委员会的最佳代表。
The auctioneer was ready to bang the gavel to complete the sale, when an elderly man in shabby clothes came up and tugged on his sleeve. 拍卖槌准备榜完成销售,当一名老翁在破旧衣服来到了他的衣袖和唤醒。
He rapped his gavel to call the committee into session. 他轻叩小槌,宣告委员会开会。
After that, the sound of the gavel put an end to the unusual session. 在此之后,该木槌声制止不寻常的会议结束。
In a mock courthouse earlier this year, the smack of a gavel opened a case for the ages. 今年稍早在一个假的法院中,槌的风味为年龄打开了一个情形。
He raps his gavel as we. 他敲下了木槌。
The chairman rapped on the table twice with his gavel. 主席用他的小木槌在桌上重敲了两下。
The banging of the judge's gavel. 法官敲击小木槌的砰砰声。
The members were enjoying a bit of chitchat when the gavel sounded. 大家正在闲聊的时候,主席的槌响了。
Bang, rap, etc one's gavel on the table a light hammer with a rounded head that is used to strike percussion instruments. 用小槌在桌上猛击、敲打等.用来敲击打击乐器的有圆头的轻槌子。
They applauded loudly as assembly president Joseph Deiss banged his gavel and proclaimed Ban's appointment to a new term starting Jan.1. 掌声中,联大主席戴斯的一声槌响,宣布任命潘基文的新任期自2012年1月1日起。
Where's your gavel, your jury? 你的木槌呢?你的陪审团呢?
With the rapid development of civil engineering in China, gavel pile is widely used in the soil improvement of soft soil foundation. 随着我国土木工程建设事业的高速发展,碎石桩在软弱不良地基处理中有着广泛的应用。