'They are all yours,' said she, very prettily, and endeavoured to be gayer than she was. 它们都是你的手指,她娇滴滴地说,努力装出比以前更加快活的神情。
Never, I am sure, were people gayer or happier. 我相信没有谁比我们更幸福更快活。
Life in Paris, we gathered was gayer and more relaxed than before the war. 我们获悉,巴黎的生活比战前活跃、轻松。
You had a gayer time with your parties and discussions. 你一参加聚会和讨论就觉得更加有劲了。
He is used to much gayer places than Mansfield. 他习惯于比曼斯菲尔德快活得多的地方。
More open-air cafes, brighter and gayer streets at night. 更多的露天餐馆,入夜后灯光更为明亮、更为生气勃勃的街道。
At the opening his very first note has a sharper impact, and the florid display work which follows is lighter and gayer, while the first long melody is freer, more expressive in its rubato. 在他的非常首先在中指出开头的有一更锋利对的冲击和跟随的红润的展示工作是更亮和更喜欢,与此同时第一长旋律在它的自由速度中是更自由,更表现。
You guys are gayer than your dad. 你们比你老爸还像同性恋。
Odyssey went back up the birthplace by undergoing 20 years hardships, Christopher completed his gayer movement through all his lifetime. 奥德修斯经历二十年的艰辛才回到故乡,克利斯多夫走完一生的时间才完成他的华美乐章,然而,返回五四的人们今日却仍在途中。
The reform of the preschool curriculum in the period of the Republic of China leaves a gayer chart in the history of the Chinese preschool education. 民国时期的学前教育课程改革运动在中国学前教育发展史上写下了华彩乐章。