One of them climbed aboard a soapbox and began informing the locals why gays should be allowed in the military. 他们中间的一个人登上了小讲台,开始跟当地人讲军队为什么应该允许招募同性恋者。
But gays and lesbians have also met resistance from other segments of society, including the African-American community. 然而,在非洲裔美国人等群体中,同性恋群体仍然遭到反对。
In general, there was a generation gap between the gays and their parents. 通常,同性恋和他们的父母之间有着代沟。
At the same time, a gang of gays was on the way to the gallery. 与此同时,一伙同性恋正在来画廊的路上。
"Gay men and gays` wives are both victims of social discrimination and stigma, so we should not simply blame one party," he said. 同志以及同妻人群都是社会歧视和病态的牺牲者,所以我们不应该只是简单地对一方进行指责。
He still opposes gay marriage and classifying crimes against gays as hate crimes. 他仍然反对同性恋人结婚,反对把迫害同性恋者的犯罪归为仇视罪。
I wait you gays for dinner. 我等着与你们共进晚餐。
If gays want to play football or darts, Chicago is the place to be. 假如同性恋(Gay)们想踢足球或投标枪,芝加哥是非常理想的赴处。
All other countries is the home of the gays. 其它国家都不过是同性恋酒吧。
Both nightclubs are attended mainly by gays and lesbians but a few straights go there too. 出入两家夜总会的主要都是同性恋者,但也有一些非同性恋者去那里。
Gays attribute this, in part, to their own struggle for their rights and pride in their orientation. 同性恋者部分把这归因于他们为了自己的权利和性倾向的自尊所作出的斗争。
Married couples with their children raised their voices to protest a proposed law that was ( would) give greater rights to unmarried couples including gays and lesbians. 已婚夫妇和他们的孩子高声呐喊反对一个法律提案,它将给予未婚夫妇包括男女同性恋们更多的权利。
Gays might be excused for thinking their president was doing the same. 同性恋者若认为他们的总统也在这么做是情有可原的。
It's parents and friends of lesbians and gays. 都是男女同性恋的家人和朋友。
Not all gays want to marry, of course; 当然,并非所有的同性恋都想要结婚;
But for smart people and gays. 但是只有聪明的和同性恋才会玩。
They are trying to change stereotypes about gays and lesbians. 他们正在尽力去改变对男女同性恋者的成见。
A socially tolerant government defended the rights of gays, mothers and women in the workplace, yet illiberally attacked civil liberties and retreated into secrecy. 一个在社会议题上宽容的政府,维护了同性恋、母亲和职场女性的权益,但不那么自由主义地侵犯公民自由权,并退却到保密作风。
Think it's a bad thing for gays? 认为婚姻对同性恋来说是无意的?
Many gays were worried about the new system. 许多同性恋者对新制度感到担心。
They were all poor rich gays. 他们都是可怜的有钱人。
She immediately joined parents and FRS of lesbians and gays. 她马上加入了同志亲友协会。
Critics also note that same-sex marriage privileges the priorities of white, middle-to upper-class lesbians and gays. 评论家们也指出了,同性伴侣婚姻让中上层阶级白人中的男女同性恋者们享有了特权。
They are called "gays" because they don't love women. 他们被叫做同性恋,因为爱著与自己相同性别的人。
This make me think of the gays and lesbians in Asia. 这使我想起在亚洲长大的同性恋者。
With what, are you hate gays? 为什么?你歧视同性恋?
Their thoughts and behavior were strange and crazy, and most of the representative men were all gays and junkies. 他们的思想和行为很奇怪疯狂,而且大部分的代表人物都是同性恋和吸毒者。
Freeman also said the large number of religious students at A& M contributes to negative attitudes toward gays. 弗雷曼也说A&M有大量信仰宗教的学生,他们都对同性恋持反对态度。
You gays are very considerate, and do me a big favor. 你和其它诸位考虑得很周到,帮了我很大的忙。