Sometimes a person with a relatively small twitter following is more influential in real life than someone else who has a gazillion followers. 有时候,有的人虽然Twitter粉丝相对较少,但在实际生活中,他的影响力却要强于那些微博红人。
You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion 你是万里挑一,亿里挑一,兆里挑一的
OLAM is a niche trader in cocoa, garlic, milk and tomatoes, among a gazillion other things. 奥兰则是细分市场上的交易商,业务涉及可可、大蒜、牛奶、番茄以及其他各种产品。
Having your soul process a gazillion tons of information all at once is actually a good thing, although you won't, again, probably be able to tell until the entire fatiguing process is completed. 让你的心灵在同一时间处理大量信息其实是一件好事,尽管你在这个让人疲惫的过程完成之前无法搞清楚。
Everybody knows by now that there's a gazillion books on me either out or coming out in the near future. 现在大家都知道,有一大堆与我相关的书籍已出版,或即将出版。
And, what happens if I put a gazillion of these things together? 然后,如果我把,许许多多这种东西放在一块会发生什么呢?