Serum free culture with no growth stimulating factors supplemented was used to induce apoptosis in human glomerular endothelial cells ( GECs). 用不加生长因子的无血清培养方法诱导人肾小球内皮细胞凋亡。
Transgene escape is a main concern about potential ecological impacts of releasing genetically engineered crops ( GECs) into the environment. 转基因逃逸是转基因作物环境释放的主要潜在生态风险。
Therefore, it provide a effective new way to generate safe transgenic plant by removing marker genes through hereditary segregation after co-transformation of separate GECs via particle bombardment. 因此,基因枪介导基因表达框共转化后应用遗传分离策略剔除标记基因,为培育安全转基因植株开创了有效新途径,是本研究的创新点之一。