Animation has stopped being eye-candy for kids and geeks and become mainstream entertainment. 动画不再仅仅吸引小孩子和动漫迷的眼球,而成了主流娱乐方式。
The question now is whether Google+ will appeal to more than tech geeks. 现在的问题是,Google+吸引的是否不仅仅是科技迷。
You need a lot more than a few brilliant geeks in a garage. 这可不是几个天才在车库里就能办到的。
Finally, bear in mind that most users have a long history of trying to deal with arrogant computer geeks who think that they know more about any problem than the user does. 最后,记住大多数的用户都有过与那种自以为是的计算机人员相处很长的历史,那些人认为对于任何问题,他们比用户懂得更多。
Almost everyone has a presence on Facebook, including Web developers, business managers, and social geeks. 几乎每个人都接触过Facebook,这其中包括Web开发人员、业务经理和社交狂热者。
In one sense, you could say the mainstream is just catching up to how geeks have lived for years. 从某种意义上,你也可以说是主流文化在努力追赶极客们的生活。
The results pointed to a cultural shift in the way Americans perceive geeks. 调查结果表明,美国人看待极客的方式出现了文化转变。
Not all of them are so-called game geeks. 他们之中有的人并不是所谓的“游戏狂”。
It's tempting for geeks like me to propose some kind of microformat as a solution: begin subjects with these words, format the first line like that. 因此像我一样的极客们提出某种微格式作为一种解决办法,这个想法听起来很诱人:采用第一行那样的文字和格式开始讨论主题。
Music Geeks specialize in bands and genres of music never heard of before, such as Swedish fugal opera. 这些音乐控通过不同的乐队和音乐体裁来区分自己与其他人,比如什么瑞典诗词歌赋歌剧。
All the geeks have nothing to take pictures of, so they keep photographing me, 'she said. 她说,由于没有了接近半裸的模特,她成为了众人关注的焦点。陈燕燕说,那些怪咖都没什么可拍的,于是他们就不停地拍我。
But he has not focused on areas normally beloved by geeks, such as engineering, physics or biology. 但工程、物理或生物等理科怪才们青睐的领域却不是他的研究重点。
This week London hosts a jamboree of computer geeks, politicians, and urban planners from around the world. 本周伦敦请来世界各地的计算机极客,政治家和城市规划者搞了一个大聚会。
Nine months later, the bookworms and the geeks are the best of friends. 九个月后,书虫和极客成为了最好的朋友。
The geeks are buzzed* It's like a whole world just opened up to us. 电脑狂们很忙,就好像有一个完整的,只向我们敞开的世界一样。
Dave: I know what you mean. I can't stand computer geeks. 戴夫:我知道你的意思。我也受不了电脑怪胎。
A documentary about the process, Aardvark'd: Twelve Weeks with Geeks, is available in DVD format. 这个过程被拍成了纪录片,《Aardvark'd:极客的12周》,以DVD格式发行。
You guys were all geeks. 你这家伙不正常。
Some geeks buy and install Bluetooth adapters for their PC's to wirelessly communicate with their mobile phones. 有些极客购买并安装蓝牙接口在自己电脑里,为的是实现与手机的无线连接。
Oh, no, I don't want to know any more geeks like you. 噢,算了吧,我可不想再认识像你一样的书呆子。
What's more interesting about Chrome is the activity it's enjoying from early adopters and geeks. Chrome浏览器的有趣之处在于这款产品推出初期的试用者数量较多,而且也颇受极客型网友的喜爱。
TV geeks will see differences among the two technologies in areas such as contrast, color saturation and brightness. 一些电视机发烧友也许能看出这两种技术在某些方面的差异,如对比度、饱和度和亮度。
Among true denim geeks, not washing your jeans is the purest thing you can do, and Kaihara-san was asking how long it had been since I last washed them. 在真正的牛仔爱好者,不洗你的牛仔裤是最纯粹的事情你可以做的,海原三是问多久了,因为我最后洗净。
Joey: Okay, hey, museum geeks, party's over. 好了,博物馆的伙计们,聚会结束了。
Geeks Toy links to the world's largest betting exchange, what is the name of that betting exchange? 极客玩具世界上最大的博彩交流,该博彩交易所的名称是什么?
These geeks with their laptops can figure out ways to steal money from you. 那些黑客可以用便携式电脑想出各种办法来偷钱。
Until recently, the technical detail of derivatives excited only financial geeks. 直到最近,衍生品的技术细节还只是金融怪才们的兴奋点。
What are you, like spokesperson for geeks of America or something? 你算什么,美国讨厌鬼代言人还是?
I used to think that insurance companies employed geeks who spent their days calculating compound probabilities. 我曾经认为,保险公司聘用的都是那些整天计算复合概率的书呆子。
The carrier could flirt with the geeks to boost its profile, attracting developers and creative types. 可以跟极客们调调情来提升自己的形象,吸引开发者和创造性人才。