Through this repulsive slang, Marius understood that gendarmes or the police had come near apprehending these two children, and that the latter had escaped. 通过那种丑恶的黑话,马吕斯懂得:宪兵或市警几乎逮捕了那两个孩子,两个孩子却逃跑了。
The gendarmes released Jean Valjean, who recoiled. 警察释放了冉阿让,他向后退了几步。
A brigadier of gendarmes, who seemed to be in command of the group, was standing near the door. 一个警察队长,仿佛是率领那群人的,起先立在门边。
The three men were gendarmes; the other was Jean valjean. 那三个人是警察,另一个就是冉阿让。
We had thus, at aigues-mortes, martigues, or bouc, a dozen places where we left our goods, and where, in case of necessity, we concealed ourselves from the gendarmes and custom-house officers. 所以,在埃格莫特,马地苟斯和波克一带,我们有十几个地方可以卸货,必要的时候,也可以在那儿藏身,以躲避宪兵和海关官员。
Sometimes the law places the whole apparatus of judges, police, prisons, and gendarmes at the service of the plunderers, and treats the victim when he defends himself as a criminal. 有时法律设置法官、警察、监狱和宪兵为掠夺者服务,用来对待牺牲者&当他保护自己的时候,却成了罪犯。
In that chamber there were no longer either judges, accusers, nor gendarmes, there was nothing but staring eyes and sympathizing hearts. 在这圆厅里,已经无所谓审判官,无所谓原告,无所谓法警,只有发呆的眼睛和悲痛的心。
If I desert, the gendarmes will come and get me. 如果逃兵,一定会被宪兵逮回去。
Gendarmes come into our hospital, take what they please, even our medicines and sell it on the black market. 宪兵到我们医院里来随便拿东西,甚至把药品也拿了去,到黑市卖钱。
When Japan captured Peiping, Kao led his gendarmes into the countryside to fight a guerrilla war. 日本侵入北平后,他带领他的警察到农村打游击。
The two gendarmes who were opposite to him descended first, then he was ordered to alight and the gendarmes on each side of him followed his example. 坐在他对面的两个宪兵先下来然后命令他下了车,左右两边的宪兵跟在他的后面。
"I do mean it so thoroughly that I absolutely refuse any gendarmes, and shall set out in an hour." “我就那样打算,我绝对拒绝卫兵,并且一个钟头以内我就要走。”
At times he would have actually preferred to be in prison with the gendarmes, and that things should not have happened in this way; it would have agitated him less. 有时,他的确认为如果没有这些遭遇,他宁愿去监狱和宪兵呆在一起,心中也就可以少起一些波澜。
When the gendarmes took him. 当宪兵征召他去当兵。
Ninthly: it is a fact that any day gendarmes can be overheard relating in the court-yard of the prefecture the interrogations put by the magistrates to prisoners. 第九:我们在警署的院子里,确实每天都能听到警察在谈论司法官审问嫌疑犯的内容。
On one of these I stretched myself, and Grimalkin mounted the other. on this bench, illuminated by several candles, sat a man between two gendarmes. 我躺在一条凳子上,老母猫跳上了另一条。那条凳被几支烛照着,在两个法警间坐着一个人。
For when plunder is abetted by the law, it does not fear your courts, your gendarmes, and your prisons. 当掠夺被法律唆使,它就不怕你的法院,你的宪兵和你的监狱了。
For the next hour or so high-ranking officers came from time to time to inspect the scene and to conduct investigations. The two gendarmes on duty were immediately detained for questioning. 以后的两三个小时,不时有高级军官来到现场视察和调查,两名值班卫兵当然马上被禁闭。