Wheat and oats are of the same family, but of different genera. 小麦和燕麦是同科的,但不同属。
The apples, pears, quinces, medlars, and some less well-known genera have been classified. 其中苹果、梨、榅桲、欧楂等属和一些不太著名的属,又被分为梨亚科或称仁果。
There are two important genera of bacteria which form spores. 形成芽孢的细菌主要有两属。
New species of Senecio and its allied genera. 千里光属及其近缘各属之新种。
Genus of tropical epiphytic or terrestrial old world orchids; one of the most popular orchid genera. 热带旧大陆一个附生或陆生兰花属;最普遍的兰花属之一。
The secondary structure of annual stem of6 genera ( 12 species) from Magnoliaceae of China is described. 利用滑走切片技术和显微镜的手段观察了木兰科一年生茎的次生结构特征。
Dominant families have areal-types of11 genera and17 species, which is absolute advantage of temperate distribution; 优势科具有11个属和17个种的分布区类型,温带成分占主体;
Monotypic genera are those which contain only one species. 单型属就是指那些只包括一个种的属。
10 genera in the fish-rice ecosystem were found and the dominant groups were Vibrion, Aeromonas and Bacillus. 养鱼稻田检测出10个属的异养细菌,优势种为弧菌属、气单胞菌属和芽胞杆菌属。
The results indicated that the discreteness of datasets of plant diversity and flora differentiation increased from families to genera and species. 结果表明,从科到属和种,植物多样性和区系分化强度的数据集离散程度均呈递增趋势。
Objective: To survey medicinal plant resources of the Chinese endemic genera of seed plants. 目的:报道中国种子植物特有属药用植物资源状况。
Small genus sometimes included in genus Onoclea; in some classifications both genera are placed in Polypodiaceae. 有时包括在球子蕨属内的一个小属;在一些分类中,这两类都归入水龙骨科。
Mevastatin is a diterpene produced by several species of the genera Penicillium and Monascus first reported in1976. 美伐他汀于1976年首次报道,是一种由若干种青霉菌属和红曲菌属真菌产生的双萜。
The northwest ants is belonging to128 species, 30 genera, 4 subfamilies. 西北蚂蚁隶属于4亚科、30属、128种。
Small family of chiefly tropical shrubs and trees of genera Drimys and Pseudowintera; sometimes included in Magnoliaceae. 主要是热带灌木和乔木的小科;有时包括在木兰科。
There are34 species of exotic invasive plants, 17 families and29 genera are identified in Henan province. 河南的外来入侵植物有34种,隶属17科29属,其中水生植物1种,陆生植物33种。
A large genus of plants resembling chrysanthemums; comprises some plants often included in other genera especially genus Chrysanthemum. 类似菊花的一个植物大属;包含一些经常包含在其它属尤其是菊属中的植物。
Phylogenetic tree showed that the members of GT61 family are related across genera. 系统进化树分析表明GT61家族成员在不同种属间是相关的。
Alternative classification for some genera included in Potamogetonaceae; one species. 在眼子菜属中进行选择性区分;其中一个种类。
Chromosome observations of three Ranunculaceous genera in relation to their systematic positions. 星果草属、独叶草属、鸡爪草属的染色体观察和系统位置的探讨。
Resulting from a cross between species of different genera. 不同类间的杂交所产生的。
This paper recorded the Musci of Maolan Karst Forest Area, 186 species ( including subspecies and varieties) belong to93 genera and28 families are reported. 本文记载了贵州茂兰喀斯特林区藓类植物28科,93属,186种,其中包括国内新记录3种,1新种和2新变种。
According to the morphological characteristics and measurement differences, 11 species in11 genera of plant nematodes were identified. 根据测量数据和形态特征,共鉴定出11属、11种寄生线虫。
Latex from trees ( especially trees of the genera Hevea and Ficus). 树的乳液(尤指三叶胶和榕属树木)。
Morphological characteristics of Tomentella, Russula and some other genera were given. 对棉革菌属、红菇属等部分外生菌根的形态描述进行了详细描述。
23 species of the ants belonging to 17 genera and 4 subfamilies were collected from the forest farm. 经过调查,该林场共有蚂蚁23种,隶属于4亚科,17属。
2 species, 2 genera, 1 family falls into annelida; 环节动物门1科,2属,2种;
There are 227 species of woody plants, belonging to 61 families and 124 genera. 常熟虞山地区共有木本植物61科124属227种(变种)。