
英 [ˈdʒenrəlaɪzɪz] 美 [ˈdʒenrəlaɪzɪz]

v.  概括; 归纳; 笼统地讲; 概括地谈论; 扩大…的运用; 将…类推到(较大的范围)


    in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 generalise

  1. VERB 概括;归纳;作出类推
    If you generalize, you say something that seems to be true in most situations or for most people, but that may not be completely true in all cases.
    1. 'In my day, children were a lot better behaved'. — 'It's not true, you're generalizing'...
    2. It's hard to generalize about Cole Porter because he wrote so many great songs that were so varied.
  2. VERB 推广;普及;扩大…的运用
    If you generalize something such as an idea, you apply it more widely than its original context, as if it was true in many other situations.
    1. A child first labels the household pet cat as a 'cat' and then generalises this label to other animals that look like it.


  1. The report's conclusion is full of sweeping generalizes.
  2. Moreover, this remarkable example generalizes.
  3. The following table generalizes some of the security requirements from common regulatory compliances.
  4. But after you play with it for a little while, you are likely to find that multiple dispatch generalizes and enhances the benefits that OOP has over procedural programming in the first place.
  5. The implementation of the Trace Interaction tool extends that definition to one that generalizes actors of interactions, as well as their means.
  6. Scala aims at providing a programming language which unifies and generalizes key concepts from both object-oriented and functional styles.
  7. Relativity does not contradict the older mechanics but generalizes it.
  8. In the beginning, it generalizes the development situation of the3D film industry.
  9. In this article, the author generalizes the phenomenon of the problem, analyses the causes and puts forward some ways to solve the problem and get rid of the sense of inferiority.
  10. The first chapter explores the source of demons, briefly summarizes evil and demonic figures, elucidates the connotation of demon as a special concept, and classifies and generalizes demonic images in literature throughout the ages.
  11. On the basis of the study, the article generalizes the concept and essence of the urban competitiveness.
  12. This article mainly generalizes the present situation of the application of some new-style non-plant fibers.
  13. This article discusses and generalizes the situation, problem and trends of science and technology retrieval, and according to the analysis it puts forward some countermeasure and suggestion.
  14. This text mainly generalizes about the ion exchange of the enamel caries progress and fluoride prevention and cure.
  15. This article generalizes the meaning and theories of creative education and discusses why and how to carry out it in Children's Palace.
  16. This paper gives a brief review of the reform of the course of catering service and management, and generalizes some principles for curriculum design and unit design.
  17. A concept of closed circle DNA's different chain-length is brought forward, which generalizes a model of closed circle DNA computing.
  18. This paper analyses "feature of earthquake relief work" in the light of report content, report strategy and news pictures and generalizes the characteristics of features.
  19. The sixth chapter is the conclusion which generalizes the whole thesis and points out the significance of this study.
  20. The specification generalizes the connection to a service destination through the soapjms: lookupVariant, which specifies the technique used for looking up the given destination name.
  21. One usually generalizes a conclusion from a collection of facts.
  22. An array of ints is a much better than an array of Integers, but this also generalizes to the fact that two parallel arrays of ints are also a lot more efficient than an array of ( int, int) objects.
  23. The present article generalizes the fundamental features of the socialist core value system based on the scientific connotation of the socialist core value system.
  24. This paper generalizes Hooke ′ s law in frequency domain.
  25. We think customers can apply our technologies, the principles of agile development to architecture problems, take a more real world approach, and see if the result generalizes.
  26. The thesis generalizes the Chinese students'error phenomenon during their study and analyzes the causes of error.
  27. This paper briefly generalizes the characteristics of logistic equipments mobilization, and put forward some thinking to enhance the mobilization ability of logistic equipments.
  28. The third section of this Chapter generalizes the studies of inventory management.
  29. And generalizes the mainline translation methods.
  30. This part generalizes the research content and the the general idea of this paper.